Nightlife, Travelling like ...everywere, Pure Science & other Pure Stuff, Tattoo art, 20th Century Minimalism, Tanqueray & Tonic, Magic and Illusion (inconsistent?), Talking & Thinking, Music?...have I mentioned music?...
my self, your brain
Quite a wide spectrum which includes a minimal lifestyle enhanced with the soundtrack of Akufen, Apparat, Anja Schneider, Delon & Dalcan, Dole and Kom, Ellen Allien, Hell, Holger Flinsch, Koze, Jonas Bering, Marc Houle, Mathew Jonson, Michael Mayer, Miss Kittin, Miss Yetti, Monica Kruse, Mr. Oizo, Oliver Koletzki, Onur Ozer, Oxia, Scsi 9, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Sebo K, Stephan Bodzin, The Hacker, Thomas Fehlmann, Tiefschwarz, Trentemoller, and many other guys. Never forget great greek djs like Kosmas E, CJ Jeff, George Apergis, Kyros...Ok let's get serious. Some labels that I love are : Kompakt, Minus, Plus 8, Mousville, Lebensfreude, Leftroom, Weave, Spielzeug, Bpitch Control, Boxersport, Whirlpool Sex Music, Systematic, Get Physical, Curle, Mobilee, Echosampler, Tic Tac Toe, Pornografic, Cocoon, CLR, Connaisseur, Kaliber, Fabric, Herzblut,..
When it comes to movies...most of us can say many things. I chose to say these : Old Boy for its unique story and the utmost climax ever, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the lively presentation of an acid life, Trainspotting because it really is a trainspotting, V for Vendetta cause this kind of movie was released from Hollywood…in 2006…(remember remember the 5th of November), Fight Club cause are you sure that you ‘ve met your Tyler Durden? Darren Aronofsky’s movies like Pi because he knows what drama is, Quentin Tarantino’s movies for his attitude and his style, Stanley Kubrick and especially his Clockwork Orange cause…what is good and what is bad? Smart movies like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch etc. I love science fiction – I despise comedies.
Mobius Dick, The Picture Of Dorian Gray, The Underground, Der Prozess, Animal Farm, Junky, The Parrot's Theorem, The Dispossessed, The Eye in the Sky, The Ring, 1984 and just getting started with The Worldly Philosophers