I'd like to meet:
Some people you had respect for their self and for others, or maybe you.
Someone as I N C R E D I B L Y AMAZING as Rose(;
ello myspacers, friends, lovers, haters, whatever you consider yourself. It's Rose hacking Robert's profile 'cause i'm fckn' bomb enough to get his password, HAHAH. So let's get started shall we? So i met this FOB, asian baller the year of '08 right when school started. We didn't really talk much at first but we said hi occasionally. But after seeing each other at lunch times & at circus cirus, we started hanging out & that's when we REALLY got close.
This guy shows strong emotions about basketball & specially for his family. He's really trustworthy & worth the time to be with. Robert's a really touchy guy & you could see exactly his emotions on his face. It's funny how sometimes something's wrong, he says nothing's wrong & yet, you see him walking around with his head down. But ya know what?! It's SOO damn easy to make him smile, 'cause he appreciates little things people do; he got that from me ;D haha kidding. Anyways, Robert can be a fool because when i tell him that he's doing something stupid, he still goes for it. But hey, i guess this kid's dangerous, taking risks like that. I guess he loves learning his mistakes, hahaha. This kid's fun to be around with. Everytime you hang out with him, you'd build up HELLA inside jokes & you'll never get tired off it. Specially that one inside joke about Robert's big ass from eating KFC HAHAH!! Anyways, Robert's the man you go for if you need love & comforting. Whenever you're down, he'd make you worry about that later because all you'll do while you're with him is laugh like no other. Man, i think my hack's fckn' boring. Haven't hacked people in a while rofl. Well I guess i'm done. I'll hack his page some other time, hah. Deeeuuucee !
so hm, let me re-introduce myself for staters! It's DANICA MAE beezycakes. Ohkay so this dude's name is ROBERT PENALBER. and he is like my bestest friend! Well this guy is amazeeng. he plays basketball. and he is kinda gay because he gos for the stupid L.A lakers! haha jklang. We met 4 years ago i think? but yeah we met a long time ago, and i think we met by pone, i'm not sure. XD. But he knows everything about me. and ohmygeius i know alot aout him.! BLACKMAIL BEEZY.. nawh i wouldn't do that to robert i mean he'd kick my ass. So he claims that he has muscle, but he doesn't it's just fat haha. just kedding.Well i guess he's a flirt ionoo he has alot of chicks on his phone! haha he's 17 years old i think? haha we don;t talk much =[. but when we get the chance too, whoa man we talk about the most random shiz, it's not even funny, causeits efen' hilarious! Well this mofo, is darker than dirt! not saying hes dirty because he smells good haha! but yeah we used to have like weirdest nicknames for eachother ie; dato puti,itim, puti.lmao..
well he has good taste in music, yaddamean. He's single. So i guess you can holler, but my approval is needed first, because this dude deserves the best fa'shoo. When we hang out it's so much chaos, we argue then 2 mins later walk to mcdonalds lmao. He works at Circus and at KFC. dont stalk lmao. well hes really funny and i may say he knows how to put a big smile on your face when you feel bad. uhm i called him earlier and he was like breathing so hard, and being the asian i am i asked him if he was jackin' off, and he said " i wass on the tredmel: like WTEF' right? haha... Uhm we slowed danced at a debut which was alot of fun, haha.. MEMORY LANE!Huh...what else is there to say about this dude. oh hes like my big brother so =p. ionoo i go to him for all of my problemas, and he trys to help, like that one time when my ex broke up with me and he was on the other line on mute while he was telling me what to say. uhm i love beating him up i mean he can't do nething about it. he's super funny and he acts really silly. I love going to circus when hes working caus i get free stuff, especially on my birthday, haha i think i got more than 30 things from him. oh and i got 5 toy roses haha. oh and he loves my mom's eggrolls! hes a ery dependable person, i mean if you want someone to talk to i guess robert is the best one lmao.Theres this thing tht happens when your chill'n' with, i mean you can never stop smiling.XD. yeah we've had alot of history together, and that's the best thing! Oh and he can sing so bug him to sing for you because DAYUM!I love you kuya robert i love love you =] uhm yeah let's end it here =]