Painting, sketching, Photography, writing, singing, rave-dancing, Piano, Films, Hockey, Baseball, Snowboarding, Driving, People, speech & debate, sleeping, good music
If you are racist, narrow-minded, or some sort of child molester... I dont want to meet you... but if not, feel free to IM me. - ForlornOrange
Independant music, Folk rock, classic rock,Ska, Jazz, Swing, Hip-hop, funk, Techno...
Francis Ford Coppola, Woody Allen, and Quentin Tarrentino... - "The Wall" Clockwotk Orange, American History X, Magical Mystery Tour
Strangers with candy, The colbert report, Chapelle's show, Degrassi, Pete and pete, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Fource, Home Movies, Family Guy, Sex and the city, Weeds, Gilmour Girls, Felicity, Project Runway... that about covers it
J.D Salinger, George Orwell, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe, William S. Burroughs
Roger Waters,David Gilmour, John Lennon, George Harrison, Art Garfunkel, Mr. Lendak, and Fredrick Burazur