Anything coming out of America right now. Its like watching a circus.
Tube Amplification
The 1920s Machine Aesthetic/Bauhaus
Die Brucke
Photo-based art/photo-based video art
Fashion (Sweden, London, New York, respectively)
Old Volvos
Old UK Fords (Cortina/Anglia)
Morris Minors
Travel, sweet sweet travel.
My Maker and my wife.
Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth, Elger Esser, Edouard Baldus, Edward Burtynsky, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Stephen Shore, William Eggleston, Thomas Ruff, Clifford Ross, Lartigue, Francis Bacon, Alexander Calder, John Cassavetes, Anselm Kiefer, Ed Ruscha, Federico Fellini, Joel Sternfeld, Frank Gohlke, Peter Hujar, Christian Boltanski, Christopher Wool, Franz Kline, Richard Serra, Andrea Zittel, Darren Almond,Thomas Demand, Robert Adams, Hiroshi Sugimoto, more.Leave A Comment.
Joy Division
Peter Sarstedt
Oren Ambarchi
I want my record player back. Bummer.
Buffalo 66, Le Mans, Solaris (Tarkovsky), 8 1/2, Stroszek, Anderson, Amelie, Brando, etc.
My Utmost For His Highest