Music is and always will be my greatest love,Most Sports,Hockey,Football,Baseball,golf,Caming,Hiking,anything Outdoors,Games,reading, T.V. and of course the "Fairer Sex"
Since I've became a widower, I've come to realize that life is too short, and have gained a great respect for single mom's. I would like to meet new people and see what develops. Worse case scenerio I may just meet a good friend. A 25 year old Swim Suit model would be nice too.
I still love heavy pumpin metal it still gives me a natural rush. Just to name a few Iron Maiden (Steve Harris is by far the the best rock Bass Player),Metallica (Just have the balls),Ted "Fuckin" Nugent (Enough said),Frank Zappa (He always seemed to get the best musicians to play with him), and far too many more to list here. I also love The Blues,Jazz,Classical,Country/Blue Grass. I'll always be a musician and love the art of music. I always can find something good in all genres even (C)rap. Lol.
I recently became a CSI (all) Nut. History Channel,A&E,Discovery Channel. Anything educational. Always looking to expand the mind.
Basically same as movies/TV Patricia Cornwell,Stephen King, Dean Koontz sort of stuff. I wish I had more time for it though.
My Dad who passed in Feb. 2005, fought in WWII in Okinawa and Guadal canal and other Pacific engagements but never spoke or cried about it EVER!!! I think it takes a lot of strength to hold something like that in for over 60 years. I found out more about him upon his death (from my Uncle) than I knew about him In life. All I can say is "THANKS DAD" and I Love you. My wife Pam who was my soulmate, lover and best friend. As sick as she was still tried to do for the kids and me. I love you and miss you baby.