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Look at you! You LOVE her!

About Me

Well, I just finished spring semester at Kent State University. This fall is my last semester. In December, I will graduate college with a bachelor’s degree in advertising. So, this officially makes me a senior… well, I’ll be damned. That was quick.
Kent State has held up is reputation of “Kent Read, Kent Write,” but not for me in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I’m up to my neck in schoolwork on weekends—ask my friends. I’m doing really well in my classes and I absolutely love my major. It’s amazing; I never thought I would be so into something that wasn’t a hobby.
Kent has also held up to the “Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent Remember What I Did Last Night” motto. This semester I joined the classy KSU chapter of Delta Gamma. They are SO fun to hang out with and go out with! It has been a lot of fun so far and the more I get to know the girls, the more I love them. Next semester, I’m living in the Delta Gamma house. It’s sure to be an adventure.
I also snagged myself a new boyfriend. His name is JB and he is the biggest goofball ever. I absolutely adore him. When we are together, I feel like we never stop laughing. We have our serious moments but they are far and few between. I never thought I could find a match like this. His fraternity and my sorority were paired up for Songfest this semester and I randomly grabbed him to be my dance partner. When we first started hanging out, neither one of us had ever dreamed that we would be how we are today: absolutely, ridiculously, irrationally crazy about each other.
So now it’s summer and I have landed the perfect advertising copywriting internship in Virginia Beach and BCF Marketing Communications. They have the Virginia is for Lovers account and many more, so they are a pretty successful and well-known agency. I have no idea what I’m going to be doing, but I know that there’s another intern so I’ll have someone to pal around with, I hope. I can’t wait to be in the city that I love. Personal Paradise.
I’m also very excited for friends to come visit. Unfortunately, my internship is unpaid so I will also be working at Atkinson Realty doing some lifeguarding and giving people the keys to their vacation houses. It should be entertaining… we’ll see. I have no idea how much time I will have off because I will probably have 40 hours at the internship and then be working all day Saturday at Atkinson Realty. Sunday is beach day. We’ll see how long I can run on that.
I’m hoping that this summer I’ll sort of have a feeling of what real life would be like—I’m ecstatic. After the summer internship, I have one more semester and then graduation. What’s next? I’d love to conquer London. Or NYC. Or anywhere fun, really. A big city would be perfect. I’ll need a job and a roommate, and I’m going to start looking very soon. Let me know if you’re headed anywhere I might be going.
As for personality, I’m still the same—silly, friendly, imaginative, polite, outgoing. If you’re looking to say hey, give me a call. Send me a silly text. Leave me a stupid comment on MySpace or FaceBook. Have a great summer – because I’m going to make sure I will.

My Interests

I love: dance, camaros and trans ams, bon jovi, water beds, ice cream, music, guitar, swimming, the ocean, other languages, bunk beds, mexico, chevelles, italian dressing, truffles, canopy beds, writing books, big cities, neon nail polish, astronomy, dresses, acting, phoenix, musicals, cowboy boots, jeep wranglers, being myself, new york city, computers, the fine art of mattress testing, hair dye, def leppard, playdough, food coloring, clueless, building cakes and gingerbread houses, looking up long lost people, fish, persuasive speeches, cooking, cell phones, seafood, legwarmers, goodwill and all salvation armies, airplanes, cameras, pools, sand, rain, generic kool-whip thats frozen, and barefootedness.

I'd like to meet:

People from parties who can remember my name & people in classes that aren't afraid to start a conversation with someone they don't know.


You name it. Favorites include Bon Jovi, the Eagles, Aly & AJ, Rascal Flatts, Elton John, Billy Joel, Jack Johnson, old Saves the Day & Fall Out Boy, Michelle Branch/The Wreckers, Taylor Swift, Jack's Mannequin/Something Corporate, & Tim McGraw. Current favorite songs: "To Be With You"--Mr. Big, "Coming For You"--JoJo, "Grace Kelly"--Mika, & "Makes Me Wonder"--Maroon 5.


Clueless. I am a big Alicia Silverstone fan. Anchorman. Plus, I have a vested interest in broadcast, so that made it even funnier. High Fidelity. I love Jack Black & think that he may be the son of Meatloaf. I also love John Cusack & Adrian Grenier. Napoleon Dynamite with 3 or more months in between watching. I enjoyed some parts of Borat ('You will never get this'). It's hard to walk out of a movie & be really impressed lately.


I pretty much hate TV. It takes up too many of my senses at one time.


I don't have time for them. I do read. Unfortunately, I read textbooks.Sign your name under your fridge message so I know who left it!


Everyone I know. I admire people for being individuals and standing up for themselves. I admire people who go their own way and don't care what critics say.

My Blog

Kent And Life Thus Far

Um... Hey, I love my boyfriend and he loooooves me and one year was a great celebration. Still don't want to go to kent, but my roomate has been upgraded to who it was before. i guess i'll make a stup...
Posted by LG on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:27:00 PST

If You're In My Top 8, This Is About You

Top 8 myspace (SO many questions!!!!)Who is in your top eight?one...?: Kyletwo...?: Maggiethree...?: Monicafour...?: Randifive....?: Candacesix....?: Megan Miller seven...?: Megan Justice eight...?: A...
Posted by LG on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 12:21:00 PST


I dont want to go there.
Posted by LG on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 11:12:00 PST

Lack Of Everything

Um. things: -Dance is over. Sad. 14 years? enjoyed it. will miss it but not too much. will miss the people and the actual dancing. maybe rach, but only in the later years have i actually liked her. wa...
Posted by LG on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:42:00 PST

Boyfriends And Friends With Benefits

Its different when you know youre in it for the long run. When he keeps playing games with you, every time you get a chance to be with him, you wonder if its going to be short lived or last forever. W...
Posted by LG on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 08:53:00 PST

this might be about you!!!!

Write something for 11 different people you randomly think of that youd like to say to them... dont list their names: 1. Youre probably my best friend in the whole entire world and i couldnt live with...
Posted by LG on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 11:17:00 PST

Thunderbolts and Lightening... Very, Very... um..

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will b...
Posted by LG on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 10:27:00 PST

I really like this... it's actually worth your time to read it.

Dear Girls (from us guys)...Don't assume that guys won't care where you are, because we do.It makes us feel secure to know that our girlfriends aren't off flirting with guys we've never heard of.Also,...
Posted by LG on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:28:00 PST


xLittleMermaidx2: you mean more to me than anything in the world right now and more than anything has ever meant to me... and... i just love you and wish i could control fate so we could be together l...
Posted by LG on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:52:00 PST


Im lame cuz i heart my bf a really big lot. im pissed at my phone cuz i went online and changed my vision name and password and now i cant look at texts! if anyone has sprint... please, help me. ...
Posted by LG on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 03:31:00 PST