i'd like to meET perSon Like Britney SpEArs....... BuTtErcup, blOosom, BubleSs............the PowEr pUfF GiRls...... SuperMan and Super Girl....... Ah......MARINA....... DuGoNg!!!!!!!.......... PeArLy......... lUna aNd VictoRia... all cast of mArina......... hehehe........... HoLlywOoD sTar.....people from far aWay land...... i want to meet all the people around the world, .........With different language.... hehehehe all animae............. and all fantaseria............ and also ALL CartooN character............ Boy Bands, .............Girl bAnd................Gay baNd..... but not Lesbian......People Has was a so Called ATTITUDE............... people With DifferENt FaceS................pEoPle who are Always SmilliNg lIke Mhe..... ('',)