Purse shopping.. I see you rolling your eyes Son!! Movies..music.. To learn something new everyday... Cooking....Baking...Laughing..
Friends old and new
Green Day... Good Charlotte.. I know i'm rather old for those type of music groups but still I do enjoy the music they play. I like the moldy oldies too..
My fav movie is Batteries Not Included.. I like action movies.. Funny Movies.. Jackie Chan movies..
The Deadliest Catch. God Bless Those Guys. All that just so i can eat CRAB!!! Hey Kath you ever had CRAB??? Much Bettah then steamers lmfaoo
Medical open em up fix em bloody stuff while eating a salad. I have a very good stomache...
Forensic Files kinda programs...
Any program that tries to explain why people do the things they do..
I read Alex Delaware/ Milo Sturgis Books written by Johathan Kellerman Also I read Alex Cross books written by/ James Patterson
My Son