Oh God ABOUT ME. I'm not sure if theres enough time in the day or interest in your brain to get that deep....I'm complicated but very easy to get along with if you have a positive attitude....I love to try to help people with their problems yet have a hard time with my own....I spend alot of time thinking but am far from an intrevert....I love to meet new people but wish I could reunite with alot of people from my past....I spent a lot of my life running from many things and just recently decided to face forward and live the life I was delt....I have love for a lot of people and try to show it as much as possible....I tend to believe that knowledge is power but it seems more and more that money trumps knowledge, at least by todays standards anyway....Ive come to realize that the EGO is an amazing thing and not in the shapeliest of fashions, it's a part of us all and runs the world as we know it.......Blinded by the inspiration from knowledge, we push ourselves through this intricate matrice of illusions. -JVick 2007.......I recently picked up writing again, not that I was ever any good at it all, but its a great way to get all your thoughts down and share them with others....Just random rambling seems to be the brightest of my enigmatic poetry.......I ABSOLUTELY LOVE meeting and talking with others who not only challenge the popular concept of what we know to be true but bring it to the table in a way that others may understand.......Anything else on your mind that might interest you. Just ask.......<256Ct840K9p8j>