The Kentucky Derby (big hats and seersucker) extra dirty martinis, getting the lime into the coconut, stripes, speaking french poorly,David Shrigley,riding my bike, parlour games.
I dream of Kitler (that would be Jim)A certain (unnamed) Chinese Encyclopedia classified Animals into the following categories: A) Belonging to the EmporerB) EmbalmedC) TameD) sucking pigsE) sirensF) fabulousG) stray dogsH) included in the present classificationI) frenziedJ) innumerableK) drawn with a very fine camelhair brushL) et ceteraM) Having just broken the water pitcherN) That from a long way off look like flies.
Billie Holiday, The Blow, Berlin, Cat Power, Patsy Cline, The Cure, Dusty Springfield, Gloria Deluxe, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Chantal Goya, Poison, Metric, The Shirelles,Stereo Total, The Sugarcubes, Velvet Underground, Le Tigre, April March
"on wednesdays, we wear pink."
Karen Walker: all i aspire to.
AUTHORS: Balzac, Proust, DuMaurier, Nin, Ibsen, Rimbaud, Rilke, Wilde, Goethe, Zola, Baudelaire, Mallarme, Breton, St Exupery
Anyone who can take pollution down to ZERO. Tony Danza, the knights who say NI,kitlers.