Jesus for obvious reasons...
300, The Illusionist,Tristan & Isolde, Dracula, BraveHeart, Crouching Tiger HD, Hero, Chocolat, Usual Suspects, LOTR 1-3, I am Sam, ScarFace, Kill Bill vol.1 & 2, Hal's moving Castle..
Food Network, Teen Titans, Avatar,Chowder, Naruto, Comedy Central, History/Discovery/Travel Channel.
Count of M.Cristo, Harry Potter (all of them..)The GodFather, The Sicilian, Swords of Night & Day, Dragon Tears, Skilagon, Legends of Druss, Frankenstien, New Teen Titans, Daredevil, Mangoes&Curry Leaves, Bittersweet, 1000Sauces, Best of Gourmet 2006, Amuse Bouche, and much more...
Well, God of course and My brother-Joel , he is my hero. Joel always had a smile for anyone and everyone. He never judged you and would always go out of his way to help you out. I know Joel is Gabriel's hero- he taught him how to swim and Gabriel knew that Joel could build anything. He looks up to him and even called him Daddy. Joel made my son feel safe. Isn't that what heroes do?