What up, So I live in Amherst, but I was born and raised in Toronto... I'm also 100% polish (whats so special about being 100% italian? besides being really hairy? and fuck everywhere else!), so that + growing up in Canada makes me 100% Polish-Canadian!
But anyways, I go to UB for Media Study, i just have to figure out what I want to do in Media EXACTLY. I love to party (me and my brother had many many parties this summer and moreso last summer, thank god our parents have a hobby!), I love music, but not really enough to obsess about bands and everything about them... I work at Wegmans; overnight stocking, which sucks pretty much alot of balls, then again I make it my cardio, plus I need to pay for shit, and keep busy...
Anyways I hate fake people, liars, and cheaters. I'm good at saying the right thing at the right moment most of the time, and I'm pretty sure that I'm funny, if not even hilarious!
Also I'm not a friend whore, so if I don't know you, or you are just adding me to inflate your friends list, I am gonna delete you off of mine shortly after.