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Nonpoint - In The Air Tonight

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I am 18 years old and Graduated this year in May (06). I also have a very great sense of humor and ne 1 who takes the time to talk or get to know me knows that if i offend u with my sarcastic comments then u r way 2 uptight and there 4 have no business i feel like dealing with so peace out.I am a proud single parent 2 tha most gorgeous baby boy Named Julian james if u dont believe he is gorgeous check my pics. Alot of people seem to think that becuz im a single parent i wont go far in life, well to all my non believers out there, i wanna say thank u becuz its ppl like u that make me strive harder, so i thank u and when i come across u i will b sure 2 greet u w/a smile.I have no problem with being straight up with u if ur pissing me off, if i feel like u r being 2 offensive, basically if u judge other ppl thaz fine, thaz how u r, but dont Disrespect ppl around me. if u r down on urself dont bring me down with u. But other than that every1 who talks to me enjoys hanging around me because I am just out to have fun. Even though i am a single teen mommy and just finishing high school i do not let that stop me from doing things that I set out to do be4.so think b4 u speak basically. 99% of the ppl reading this have had sexual relations w/som1 i just made a mistake and im payin 4 it. But i wouldnt take back a second of the time i have had w/my son. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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I have one friend i consider 2 have had a big impact on me, and that is my best friend and God father of my son TAUHEED, Muah* i luv ya thanx 4 bein there in my roughest times. to my ex LLEWIS i wanna say thank u 4 pretending 2 give a shit about me it kinda taught me that i need 2 learn how 2 be more careful when lookin 4 that someone 2 depend on, But 4 what its worth thank u 4 introducing me 2 ur wonderful bro he was there when i needed u 2b.So i guess it's 1 good thing u've ever done 4 me. O BTW u know what im talkin about when I say bad KARMA, and u know wut i know ur not gonna read this so im pretty much wasting spaces. To my bro Thanx 4 takin me in i am very grateful. I wanna thank God 4 blessing me with a gorgeous son. I thank God 4 my only true friend Tauheed, I thank him 4 the time i spentw/ my grandfather b4 he passed, ty for blessing me with my mother, my sister my whole fam. R.I.P Pa 1935-2005, R.I.P Charlotte 1961-2004, R.I.P Kailey Elizabeth Jordan 1988-2004(class of 06),my beloved dog Buster R.I.P 1995-2006 god plz bless and keep them. I love creating music. I play guitar and have been for 2+ years and I love playing especially now that i am a mommy because the baby loves the music to.



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I am Married to the show PRISONBREAK. Grey's ANATOMY is a very very good show also.I also love the show's House, Scrubs, Law and Order(CI)&(SVU), Medium,Family Guy, Simpsons


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I would have to say that my greatest heroes are my Big Brother because he is serving our country and has seen all evils of war and what it does and how it affects not only the soldiers but the people, My mother of course,for raising me and always having my back, and m
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y Grandfather and Grandmother for fighting to the end even when death conquered and took them home.I chose these people mainly because they are fighters and don't let ne thing slow them down and never gave up on ne thing. There is one other great influence in my life and a very outspoken mind i would like to add to this list.Because he still means the world to me. Even though we cant stand talking to each other or even looking at eachother ne more I would have to say my Ex-Boyfriend, Because even when things went bad he never really gave up on me and he pushed me to be someone that he knew i was.And I guess i never realized that until I lost him. But all good things must come 2 an end sometime.
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My Blog

My love

The coming of a new life form is a joy that only a parent could understand.I have found the love of my life, My son Julian James was born 6-3-06 at 11:42 p.m, instantly i felt a bond that could not be...
Posted by ♣♠LIZ♥♣ on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 09:40:00 PST

Still N luv

This is for ne 1 who knows what itz like being n love with sum1 who's treated u like complete garbage and brainwashed u in 2 thinkin that u were lower than everything for a year. who's left u fo...
Posted by ♣♠LIZ♥♣ on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:25:00 PST

Movin On

Itz over ur gone, i guess i am movin on, Feelings all disaray, what else can i say say,I still miss  ur smile i still miss ur kiss i miss ur laughter, i do miss all of this, i miss the&...
Posted by ♣♠LIZ♥♣ on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 02:36:00 PST