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I am 18 years old and Graduated this year in May (06). I also have a very great sense of humor and ne 1 who takes the time to talk or get to know me knows that if i offend u with my sarcastic comments then u r way 2 uptight and there 4 have no business i feel like dealing with so peace out.I am a proud single parent 2 tha most gorgeous baby boy Named Julian james if u dont believe he is gorgeous check my pics. Alot of people seem to think that becuz im a single parent i wont go far in life, well to all my non believers out there, i wanna say thank u becuz its ppl like u that make me strive harder, so i thank u and when i come across u i will b sure 2 greet u w/a smile.I have no problem with being straight up with u if ur pissing me off, if i feel like u r being 2 offensive, basically if u judge other ppl thaz fine, thaz how u r, but dont Disrespect ppl around me. if u r down on urself dont bring me down with u. But other than that every1 who talks to me enjoys hanging around me because I am just out to have fun. Even though i am a single teen mommy and just finishing high school i do not let that stop me from doing things that I set out to do think b4 u speak basically. 99% of the ppl reading this have had sexual relations w/som1 i just made a mistake and im payin 4 it. But i wouldnt take back a second of the time i have had w/my son. Get Your Own! | View SlideshowMyspace Layouts
I have one friend i consider 2 have had a big impact on me, and that is my best friend and God father of my son TAUHEED, Muah* i luv ya thanx 4 bein there in my roughest times. to my ex LLEWIS i wanna say thank u 4 pretending 2 give a shit about me it kinda taught me that i need 2 learn how 2 be more careful when lookin 4 that someone 2 depend on, But 4 what its worth thank u 4 introducing me 2 ur wonderful bro he was there when i needed u 2b.So i guess it's 1 good thing u've ever done 4 me. O BTW u know what im talkin about when I say bad KARMA, and u know wut i know ur not gonna read this so im pretty much wasting spaces. To my bro Thanx 4 takin me in i am very grateful. I wanna thank God 4 blessing me with a gorgeous son. I thank God 4 my only true friend Tauheed, I thank him 4 the time i spentw/ my grandfather b4 he passed, ty for blessing me with my mother, my sister my whole fam. R.I.P Pa 1935-2005, R.I.P Charlotte 1961-2004, R.I.P Kailey Elizabeth Jordan 1988-2004(class of 06),my beloved dog Buster R.I.P 1995-2006 god plz bless and keep them. I love creating music. I play guitar and have been for 2+ years and I love playing especially now that i am a mommy because the baby loves the music to.