big truck with lots of moms on it profile picture

big truck with lots of moms on it

Who the ff--uuuhhh be's out of!!

About Me

MySpace Layouts

Hi, I'm five now.

Okay and it's "Impress". Which is like Empress, but imp-ish, which basically, I mean, fits me to a T. I'll color copy your face right the heck off! I like singing and playing my guitar but I have little girl fingers.

I'm generally really happy but really irritable and I have moodswings like, every four minutes, oh, but girls, and I love Jesus Christ with all my heart.

Austin too, and cacti and octopi, not just because the last two end cute.

Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Interests

I LIKE ICE CREAM!!! You know one of the most awesome things is when you forget you have ice cream but then you remember, just, right this second while you're updating myspace. I like playing the guitar. I really like food. Like, more than you even know. My favorite foods include:
1. pickle flavored potato chips
2. california rolls from hibachi japan
3. baklava
4. A1 sauce
5. tapioca pudding
6. mini reuben sandwiches
7. avocado egg rolls from cheesecake factory
8. superman ice cream from stoddards and cake batter ice cream from coldstone.

I'm in love with my church and my God. I've been way maternal lately but I think I'm okay for right now with my house plants and betta fish.

I'd like to meet:

Seriously though, I'm so friendly you wouldn't even believe it.


Video game soundtracks, I don't even care.
Computer music. Songs that would be good in movies.
I am currently obsessing over:
1.) Moving Units. Friends!!
2.) Architecture in Helsinki. Favorite ever??!
3.) Imogen Heap.
4.) Album Leaf....! still.


No, but I've loved Twister since I was twelve. I watch movies all the time but I can't ever remember my favorites when I'm on the spot.


Grey's Anatomy. Aa guilty pleasure. Anddd How It's Made. Good Eats?!?!?!??!!! Gilmore Girls again. those girls. and Scrubs. Arrested Development, TV, what's your deal!?!?


The Bible, english standard version, because I'm too impatient yet for all the thee and thou hast and what have you. I'm not a big reader. Oh what? But you're so well versed I would never have guessed. I mean, I like reading. I like drawing and playing guitar more. So just, like, C.S. Lewis.

My Blog

I invalidated your mom’s subject line.

It'd probably be pretty ridiculous to post a bloggggghhhh every Tuesday and Thursday but, I mean, and eventually it's going to get cold outside and what exactly is the point of having about nine years...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 07:46:00 PST

I’m not used to football players.

So I'm in the library at school since I, you know, go to school now and everything. My ID is on a lanyard (and everyone I've come in contact with has seen it.) And my very next class in one-half hour ...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:36:00 PST

Im not used to football players.

So I'm in the library at school since I, you know, go to school now and everything. My ID is on a lanyard (and everyone I've come in contact with has seen it.) And my very next class in one-half hour ...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:36:00 PST

Im not used to football players.

So I'm in the library at school since I, you know, go to school now and everything. My ID is on a lanyard (and everyone I've come in contact with has seen it.) And my very next class in one-half hour ...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:37:00 PST

it's almost winter.

I seriously never know where the blog button is, like, the real one you use to get to this page. And I've posted blogs. In my day. blogzWhy is summer always so fast? I think they're drinking scotch. I...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 08:31:00 PST

Owls go!

Thinking things. Uuuu.We've made a lightbox .. a light table with a dresser drawer, a table lamp and a pyrex cake pan. I think I might be in love with Martha Stewert and I certainly believe she would ...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Wed, 23 May 2007 08:10:00 PST

Quarter-life Crisis alert!

Don't know what my deal is, but here are some things I decided to change about myself today on a whimsy whim whim:1. The space of skin below my birdy tattoo on my right arm. A plum-coloured (well I sa...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 10:55:00 PST

Dear myspace blog, I've been cheating on you with livejournal.

FRICK!Last night was fun. A bunch of cats and I went to Jake's for a bonfire because uhhh it was the most beautiful night ever, and stars etc. I love summer. That much fun doesn't ever happen in the w...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 07:54:00 PST

"I realize this looks trashy"

I cleaned my car this lovely and warm afternoon. Or, I put things in boxes my car. I mean, I managed to get three full big black bags full of trash out, yuck? Threw away the yuck colony on the floorma...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 09:14:00 PST

8/4/04 3.19am

"Oh journal."   I've gone through all the journals I've kept since my freshman year in highschool and I think I'm going to throw them away. I kind of can't get over myself. Like, at the time...
Posted by big truck with lots of moms on it on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:11:00 PST