@rs NoV@ profile picture

@rs NoV@

To every chord played. there is a sound.

About Me

Who am I? I would love to tell you. I am just a simple person who loves music. Music makes the world a better place. I am currently a student of a school that even if I told you the name, you still wouldn't know of its rich heritage. Just know that I am majoring in Music Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Vocal Performance, a proud member of a Concert Choir, and a Male Guard of a Marching Band. What I am.....is a proud BlueBear! The BlueBear belongs to an HBCU called Livingstone College. I have been called many things, but a liar is not one of them. All the things I said in the paragraph above is true. If you want to know more, feel free to ask.

My Interests

Undying love for music and theatrical functions....and MYSELF! If you have no love for yourself, how can you have love for someone else?

I'd like to meet:

There are numerous people that I would love to meet. First, I would love to meet my favorite poet, Dr. Maya Angelou. Second, I would like to meet my favorite actress Phylicia Rashad. Third, i would love to meet my favorite composer of music, Dr. Raymond Wise. The list goes on forever, but lastly, I would love to meet anyone that has an interest in myself as well as a undying love for the world of music. The world is a great big canvas, and music is paint....TIME TO DRAW!!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


KAPPA KAPPA PSI National Honorary Band Fraternity, INC. Any genre of music has a great deal of interest!..


An extreme fan of comedies, true-stories, and fictional. TOOO MANY TO NAME!!!!!


I love sitcoms and game shows. I begin my mornings on the Lifetime network watching the Golden Girls at 9am. Don't laugh, you can learn alot from 4 women that made it past the year 2008. At 11am, The Price is Right has always entertained me. Around 2 or 3pm there's always something interesting on the Food Network from Molto Mario to Emerald. Trust me, I'm not getting any bigger though. I just love looking at what I could have. I'll just stick to losing pounds rather than gainning. At 6pm, there's another full hour of my b*%#%es, The Golden Girls. The full 7pm hour, is Jepardy and Wheel of Fortune. I've always watched that with my Grandmother(R.I.P.) on my Father's side. The Disney Channel entertains for 2 hours that I am still awake. Then I end it out with The Golden Girls at 1am. It seems that The Golden Girls are my favorite ladies to watch.


The only things I read are music scores in the choir, and plays in the theatre. That's the only expansion that my mind would go.


My mother plays a great in my life. Being that she raised my sister and I through any type of struggle that we have encountered over the years. She is my idea person of what a hero should be.

My Blog

Curtain Call on 2007-2008!

My school term wasn't exactly as great as I wanted it to be; but it had its moments in love....no pun intended.  Rocky start with a couple of classes; and others....I just breezed right through.&...
Posted by @rs NoV@ on Tue, 27 May 2008 11:08:00 PST


I am really not into this "BLOG" thing, but feel that I must express myself in a way that anyone's not expecting. This is just a statement for the people that need to be reading this. If this does not...
Posted by @rs NoV@ on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 07:25:00 PST