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I am here for Friends

About Me

Where to begin.... I'm a single mom, have been since day one. I know you hear some women whine about being a single mommy. but I wouldn't change it for the world. Except maybe financailly. My son will be 9 in June, and I have gotten maybe 100 bucks total (nice huh?). So when I hear females whine about their tiny child support checks they get every week... BE THANKFUL !!! My life and my spare time consist of Andrew and my friends (by the way, they are the greatest). I'm finally content where I am in life. I guess you can say I've found my "happy place". It took a long time, but I'm finally here. I love watching SCARY movies, BBQ-ing with my friends, fishing, and taking my son swimming (every day during the summer). If you know me, you know that my world revolves around Andrew. Without him, God only knows where I would be. I have made some really hard choices in my life, and will continue to do so as long as I'm a mother, that is my job. I'm a mommy ALL of the time, not when it is convenient for me. I CHOSE TO BE A MOTHER, HE DIDN'T CHOSE TO BE MY SON. I don't go anywhere that Andrew can't go with me, so bars are pretty much out of the picture. I hate drama and dramatic people. Life is what YOU make of it. I like to choose my battles. I'm not going to waste my time to solve your problems, I have enough of my own thank you! My whole life I have tried to please everyone else, the whole time, putting myself and my feelings on a back burner. I have realized that I cannot please everyone, so, I need to do what I gotta do for me. You can either stand by my decisions, or you can turn your back, this one sits on your shoulders, not mine for a change. I'm not really complicated (ok, maybe I am), but I am really honest, sometimes brutally honest. So, if you don't wanna know the truth, maybe you shouldn't ask my opinion. Upon first impressions, a lot of people have mistaken my kindness for weakness, and a few people have walked all over me. That isn't the case anymore. I do not (or will not) have trouble standing up for myself, my loved ones, or my beliefs. I'm not the same person that I once was. That about sums me up, but if I left somethin off, feel free to ask me.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Can't say that I am just dying to meet anyone in particular. I am really hard to put up with, I've been doing it on my own for too long now. I will not answer to anyone else, I will not explain my self or what I do to anyone, and I'll do what I want to do when I want to do it. Liek I said, I'm pretty honest. I have been through a lot of bullshit in my life (some self induced I must admit) and met some really messed up people. But, I have really great friends now. Its amazing how your life changes when you let go of the bullshit and sorry ass people that just wanna bring you down with them.............. THANK GOD FOR THESE GIRLS RIGHT HERE ! !
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My Blog

Missing Person's Report

Missing Person's Report - Brave New Voices
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 12:10:00 GMT

Sean Bell

Sean Bell - Brave New Voices
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 11:06:00 GMT


Kaona - Brave New Voices
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 11:02:00 GMT

That Girl

Russell Simmons Presents Brave New Voices: That GirlRussell Simmons Presents Brave New Voices: That Girl I don't think that anything else needs to be said but AMAZING ! ! !!
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 10:48:00 GMT

FREAKY... for real freaky....

okay, i just did a handwriting analysis... man, this thing has me pegged... wtf? Welcome Erin Figge, here is your handwriting analysis.  Erin uses ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:02:00 GMT

From the mouths of babes

Only can children get away with stunts like this... My son (age 7) had a paper to write about Valentine's Day. All of the other kids wrote about what was going to happen at the party. N...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:47:00 GMT