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this is a rough one i have 3 heroes my first two are my parents i learned how to be a good person from them i learned how to be a parent from them i learned how to cope with life's shitty side from them they are the strongest people i have ever known my mother taught me how to be a wife and mother for that i am forever greatful. my father taught me to let things go sometimes and when not to let them go he taught me pride in my heritage and i am proud to calll myself canadian no matter what anyone else thinks my pride in my heritage runs deep and i have instilled that into my children, he taught me to be tough he taught me appreciation for body mods long before it was cool he had 15 tattoos and that became a sign of beauty in my eyes. i could never even put into words half of the values they have instilled in me including my respect for my marriage vows and how deep those vows should go and theyre part in my life.
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Make Grunge Hearts at FVX.commy other hero has to be bobby he has supported me since i was 16 we have grown up together and made our life together he has been my backbone when i had none he was my strentgh and sense of worth very few people in my life have given me a sense of self worth and he is top on that list even when he was down he has never been out. i respect him more than he can ever know. he is the smartest, sweetest person i have ever known now i know why my mother would have crawled across broken glass for my dad as i feel the same way for bobby he has so many of my father's amazing qualities i am proud and honored to call him husband,friend and soul mate i love you baby