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Myspace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: Mike Britton
Nicknames:: Mikey B or Britton
Birthplace:: Lancaster
Current Location:: Pensby
Hair Color:: Fair
Eye Color:: Brown
Height:: Next question please..
Weight:: Like yanno 100 st.. i dont actually know
Tatoos?:: Nope
Piercings?:: Na
Overused Phrase:: "Wot the.."
Bedtime:: When i get sleepy
Best Physical Feature:: Its the hair !!!!
Most Embarassing Moment:: I get pushed over a lot, so pick one.
Most Missed Memory:: Winning with the cup with Pensby, good times
First Thought When You Wake Up:: Fuck im hungry!
Weakness:: Being shot
Best Friends:: I dont have any..
Goal For The Year:: Joe Cole v Sweden... WHEY !! that was funny shit, well done me !
Greatest Fears:: Being in an empty room with John Motson
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: Coke
McDonalds or Burger King...: Bruger King
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: Hot Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla...: Chocolate
Water or Milk...: Water
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: Both a bit shit really..
Hugs or Kisses...: Both please..
Cats or Dogs...: Cats
Summer or Winter...: Summer
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: Both shit
Love or Money...: Love
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: Green Grapes
Perferred Eye Color:: Blue
Perferred Hair Color:: Blonde, but brunettes are brilliant too
Short Hair or Long Hair...: Long
Perferred Height:: Preferably smaller than me
Perferred Weight:: Under Rick Wallers weight please..
Looks or Personality...: If both are possible that would be super..
Hot or Cute...: Hot
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: Skinny
Number:: 6
Food:: Pizza
Type of Music:: Indie
Candy:: Haribo
Color:: Red
Animal:: Cat
Drink:: Coke all the way!
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: Bottom, how rude..
Movie:: Anchorman
Past Time:: Liverpool winning the Champ League Final
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: Yah
Smoked?: Nah
Been Beaten Up?: Yah
Bullied Someone?: Nah
Skinny Dipped?: Nah
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: Nah
Toliet Papered Someones House?: No, but its on the list of things to do..
Played Poker W/ Money?: Yah
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: Thats a bit pointless innit, i havent got very big tits or anyfin..
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: Yah
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldnt Talk?: Nah
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: All the time..
Went Camping?: Yah
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: Yah
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: Nah
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: Nah
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: Yah
Danced In The Rain?: Yah
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: Constantly
Been On Stage?: Yah
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of?: Oh yea, i wear slutty dresses all the time..
Been To A Nude Beach?: Nah
Cursed In Church?: Never been to a church.. so yes
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: Haha! wtf, i hope not
Burnt Yourself?: Yah
Been Dumped?: Yah
Dumped Someone?: Yah
Been In Love?: Nah to early
Been Hit On Someone To Old?: Nah
Wanted To Be A Model?: Nah
Wanted To Be In The Olmpics?: Nah
Bought Lottery Tickets?: Yah
Made Out In A Car?: Nah
Cried During A Movie?: Nah
Wanted Something You Couldnt Have?: Yah
Made Love On The Beach?: Nah
Shoplifted?: I think i stole a packet of chewys once.. scandolous
Seen Someone Shoplift?: Yah
Hung Up On Someone?: Yah
Yelled At Your Pet?: Yah
Gotten Seasick?: Nah
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: Nah
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: All the time
Stalked Someone?: Nah
Had A Stalker?: Nah
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: Yah
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: Yah
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: Nah its class
Protested?: Bout wa?
Been To An Island?: Yah
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: Yah
Screamed In A Library?: Nah
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: Yah
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: Nah, bit sick innit
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: Yah
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: Yah
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: Nah
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: Nah
Threw Up In School?: Nah
Recieved A Love Letter That Wasnt Signed?: Yah
Wore Something You Hated?: Yah
Wore Something To Match Someone?: Nah
Been To A Luau?: Been to a what?
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: Yah
Been On TV?: Yea, argh it was class, im a celeb
Been Outta The Country?: Yah
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: Yah
Won A Pool Game?: Yah
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: Well, when i was like 8 or sumfin yea
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: Nah
Dieted?: Nah
Had An Eating Disorder?: Nah
Cheated On Your Other?: Nah, harsh innit
Been Cheated On?: I bloody hope not
Been Paid To Date Someone?: Nah
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: Probably
Tanned Topless?: Yea baby
Been Strip Searched?: Nah
Been On A Plane?: Yah
Been On A Cruise?: Nah
Been Pantsed In Public?: Yah
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: I think i myt have
Broke Someone's Heart?: Dont fink so
Sung In The Shower?: Yah
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: Nah im a cheapskate
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: Yah
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: Yah
Been Walked In On While Showering?: Nah
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: Nah
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: Nah
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: Obviously not..
Been In Detention?: Yah
Feel Off A Roof?: Nah
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: Yah :D
Been In A Wreck?: Nah
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal?: Nah
Made Yourself Puck So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School?: Yah
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: Yah
Been Shot?: More times than 50 cent
Had A Water Gun War?: Yah
Been Arrested?: Nah
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: Yah
Country You Wanna Visit:: Australia
Way You Wanna Die:: In me sleep when im like 200
Like Thunderstorms?: Bit excitin aren't they
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: Yah
R U A Health Freak?: Nah
U Think Ur Attractive?: Nope
Do You Believe In Yourself?: Yea im class
Wanna Get Married?: Yah
Wanna Go To College?: Nah
Shower Daily?: Yah
Want Kids?: Yah
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: Soon please..
Do U Hate Anyone?: Yah
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: Nah
Do You Think You Can Sing?: Nah
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: Nah
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: Yah
Can You Whistle?: Yah
Can You Walk In High Heels?: Yea im class in high heels
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: Nah
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: Nah
Can You Multitask?: Yah
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: Yah
Can You Fit In Your Locker?: Nah
Do You Spit?: If i have to
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: Nah, cokes still nicer though...
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: More wishes
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: Lacoste stuff
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: I dunno.. dove??
What's Your Favorite Scent?: The chippy
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: Of course
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
WELL, how about i somehow get to meet Steph Bob, yanno cos she is my perfect girl and all ! Yea so... sort it out ey Myspace !
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ARCTIC MONKEYS !!!!! The Cribs, Little Man Tate, Milburn, Jamie T, The Fratellis, and OBV High School Musical Songs
High school Musical was on tele once... best day ever
few half read father once read lion, witch and the wardrobe when i was a child, that was class
Brian Blessed and Freddie Flintoff, and family guy..