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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey there. Basically, I'm just a starving college student whose still in search of an ambition to chase. I may be quiet sometimes, but I am pretty friendly. Some of my friends think I'm too nice and that I go too much out of the way of myself to help someone out(in other words, I need to develop some tough love). But yea, that's just the way I am. I'm a pretty good wall to talk to if somethings nagging at you and need someone there to listen or maybe help sort out your thoughts. Despite my age, I still see myself as a kid(to some I may even look like one). I guess you can say I still haven't lived out my youth. I guess you can say an incident earlier in life prevented me from living my early youth to the fullest. I'm still learning and I may even look up to people who are far more younger than I. I don't travel much, but wish to see the rest of the world someday. Have lived in California in the bay most of my life and I'm still in the process of breaking the fear of venturing out of it. Other than that, there are still a lot of personal things I'm still trying to overcome. I'm a guy who has problems to deal with as well as enjoy life like everyone else does. And that's just me.Other random stuff about me: Name: Jeff Height: 5'6" Weight: approx 135 lbs. (I fluctuate in the 130's) Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Brown Food: I gnaw on meat. Strange talent: can tap a button 12 times a second Strange fact: i can eat a lot of fatty foods and not gain weight *runs away from angry mob of women* Location: where the fork am i? Home Town: Fairfield-Suisun..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anyone who's down to earth and open minded. You can catch me online with aim. sn is: ************* ask for it :]Celebs: Brooke Burke(because she lives behind my door)Megan Fox(she turned my head during Transformers)Zhang Ziyi(she's hot and can kick ass)Goldberg(he's so hardcore, he can make paint peel by looking at it)Jackie Chan(because he's tight like that)Bill Gates(so I can ask him for 20 bucks)View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


My Blog

mixed feelings about the hand-me-down car.

today my parents bought a new 2007 camry hybrid. i have to say the car is pretty slick with a 3 disc cd changer, navagation, and lot more "wipe my ass" technology. i also have to say it's a lot more r...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 14:35:00 GMT

satisfied summer vacation

when was the last time i posted a blog haha. daym.well anyways. had a kick ass day yesterday. me and some of my closest buddies went to the bay to lower the curtain on our summer vacation. although we...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:07:00 GMT

missed but not forgotten

RIP ReggieTrue FriendClose Brotherstill remembered the last day i saw him. we were at grange middle school and we jus got out for summer break. we split off to do our own thang. i was going to spend t...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 19:41:00 GMT

wow has it been that long

it's been awhile since i posted one of these, and i probably shouldn't be posting one of these because i have a 2 math assignments i haven't started yet that are due tomorrow. but yea, i could probabl...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 22:23:00 GMT

because jr told me to

a video jr, meryl, and me made a few months ago while they were up north.the side of me people rarely see because it's so intense that it'll make your eyes fall out, engulf your body in flames, and ma...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 14:00:00 GMT

i'm doing well, sorta.

not to mention the situation is causing me to cram my schedule. i worked overtime today. 4 hours overtime to be exact. and i get $18/hour overtime, so that cancels out the stress at the end. i have a ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 00:02:00 GMT

work work work

entertainment for today: dancing venom. don't know if this is for spider man 3 or a video game. either way, i still want to watch spider man 3... width="425" height="350">..>well been doing good at my...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 23:52:00 GMT

past few week, oh and i got a job now

entertainment for today: guy yelling at his cats.. width="425" height="350">..>well for the past few weeks it's been mostly school and family. a week ago uncle alex, adrian and the rest of them came o...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 23:15:00 GMT

name quiz i took

1.YOUR PORN STAR NAME(name of first pet + street you live on):Corky Harwood2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME(grandmother's/father's first name + favorite snack)Sebastian Poptarts(wtf)3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NA...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 21:54:00 GMT

i'm still here

entertainment for today:hey erbody. still hangin in there for grandma. in case you don't know what's going on with my grandmother, there's a link in my previous blog that'll fill ya in.jus felt like p...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:46:00 GMT