$$B...Eeee...Z$$ profile picture


It's Not Ur Aptitude, but Ur Attitude that determines Ur Altitude In LIFE.... Ya Dig

About Me

Welcome people, 1st I'd like 2 introduce myself. Hi my name is BRANDON!! Hmmm let me try and explain ME w/o being or sounding 2 "FAKE" or like I'm just 2 perfect or unreal. It's never 2 easy talking bout yourself, but this is me. I consider myself to be a "Young Dude w/ Old Soul"... Unlike most but like some youngN's these days Family & Friends mean the world 2 me, I just really enjoy being around those who matter most in my world!!TO me the smell after the Rain is the "BEST". I "love" being next 2 my women during a T-Storm, sleeping the day or night away with her in my T-Shirt, eventhough I'm currently SINGLE and loving err minute of it I might add =) It's been a long time coming, that I take a minute being still and just enjoying being BRANDON getting really comfortable in my own skin ya dig!!I'VE been raised with the understanding that it's not always what U know it's who U know, and that @ times your "ATTITUDE" can take you farther in life than just your book smarts alone. Not saying that school or education isn't important but I can 4sure say that I know a few people who are smart as all hell but can't get a job or always has a "WHY ME" question cause their attitude SUCKS!! Also that I need to appreciate the things I have in my life rather than the things that I don't have or cannot change in an instant, but if I only work hard enough and be "POSITIVE" I can have those things that I really want in life.. That it's ok to be SORRY when I've hurt someone's feelings and there is nothing wrong with going to the ends of the earth trying to make sure they understand it. My quote next to my pic was explained to me from my Grandfather 4rm NYC and so far it works 4 me thats my motto, get it, learn it, live it Capish.I think "SMILNG" or learning how to do so is very important because frowning burns much more energy than if you'd just "SMILE" if you don't believe me GOOGLE it. I know it makes me feel Gr8t whenever I do it, and I don't mind being the one to put one on ya face!! =)Ladies, this one is 4 you "Real Talk" ya boy is a "Hopeless Romantic" or a "SUCKER 4 LUV" and I thank my Mom Dukes for that one!! She helped me out a lot as a young boy, and even so now.. OMG I luv that Women with all my heart not just a piece the whole thing belongs 2 her 1st!! From her I learned that it's ok to be a tough yet GENTLE gentleman!! I love the ladies you name it walks in the park, P.D.A I don't mind it ( Public Display of Affection 4 my slow folks) lol but I'm not dressing alike with my lady!! I really love to "Wine & Dine" the females, making them feel special and appreciated! I enjoy giving MASSAGES to the ladies as well & it doesn't have to be sexual, U know respecting her BODY until she's ready but something a lil sensual like after a Hard Days Work or Schooling, or my favorite after a shower or Bubble Bath that I had waiting for her when she comes to visit me!! Flowers, Candies, Dinner & Movie, and Respect you can expect it from ya BOY!!!!I also consider myself to be very much a Boy you know eventhough I may be clean cut I'm still rough & tough around the edges and not scared to "SLAP" a dude, or fuss a "Bitch" out when it's deserved! I'm the man and have ZERO tolerance for any disrespect to me, my body, belongings or those I love & care bout unconditionally so F with them and imma be that "FIRE" under your A$$, like ya mom's and pop's use to tell ya when you messed up in school "Go get me the Belt so I can put some Fire to that BUTT"....lolMy lil sista is my best friend in the whole world "Danielle" CoonBuga Kirby I wubb U girl, and I hope you really really know it..Last but not least I enjoy pretty much all sports I've played 8 different ones growing up. I also can play the SAXAPHONE. My passion is Dancing and NO " I just Don't think I can DANCE" I know it I guess U could say I have a lil B-Boy in Me! Another one of my absolute favorite things to do is HORSEBACK riding I've been riding since I can remember get me close to one and it's hard pulling me away. They are such an Amazing creation God has blessed us with.. Oh Yeah not to mention God is an important person in my life, I talk to him often.. Just not as much as I should @ times, but I'm getting better @ that!!! 4shoWith all that being said once again my name is BRANDON some call me "B" or even B...Eeee...Z not B'Skeezee if you know what I mean.. If U don't 4get about it!! Welcome to my "SPACE" and I hope U enjoyed learning a lil bit bout cha BOY!! Smile or as I like to Say "Cheek2Cheek" This profile was made at Whateverlife.com! :)

My Interests

GOD and his CHURCH 1st, Family, Family, The Ladies, Cars, Motorcycles, Sports, Horses..

I'd like to meet:

My Kids, and don't get it twisted I have none right now, but can't wait to meet them.
Graphics & Layouts

My Ipod mspmb src="http://www.mp3asset.com/swf/mp3/myPod.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="myid=3029705&path=2007/06/21&mycolor=0x33 00ff&mycolor2=0xcc33&mycolor3=&autoplay=true& ;rand=1&f=3" width="180" height="380" name="myflashfetish" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


If it sounds good I can appreciate it!! Well I take that back if it sounds good to me I can appreciate it, just no Screaming " I hate God type of Stuff" and we good!!!
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.


Action, Scary, Comedies, Romantic, and Some Sci Fi.
Graphics & Layouts


All the time!!B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N Click here to get Falling Objects B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N B R A N D O N


Yeah I like Books!! Read a few.


1st of all my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but some people say their Heroes are people they've never met b4.. These ladies right hurr are my Strengths when I am "Weak"... Ladies I love that U love me in the Ways that U do... Wish U all could meet them 2!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow