HippieChick is salty/sweet profile picture

HippieChick is salty/sweet

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am an enigma.
I have come to realize that I will eternally be bored. I will always look for something to spark and ignite my imagination. I try to keep my life interesting by trying new things.
I love to create, and give my completed works away as gifts mostly.
Just started singing with Odd Squad, Old School Punk. A girl doesn't deserve to have so much fun! I feel 15 again. Next thing you know I'll have that freakin mohawk again.
Layout by CoolChaserMy family is important to me. I am trying to be the best Aunt I can be to my niece, she is a great little girl, smart and silly, and a bit of a tom-boy like her auntie!
I am with an outstanding man, and adore him and his son. They both have enriched my life and everyday stuff is a joy with them. I would gush on about him but his friends would probably give him hell for it! LOL!! I want to make friends that will last a lifetime. People that are natural down to earth and not the pretentious hob-nobbin types. If you're going to be afraid to fart in front of me, then we probably won't get along. I fully believe that gas is one of the funniest things on this planet. Just so ya know.
I love animals and children, horses and butterflies, so you have the corny info, let's move on....
I hate growning old. er. I feel like I am screaming towards middle age and there is no speed bump. Hell, I found those thick wiry gray hairs once I stopped coloring my hair. Wasn't quite sure how I felt about that. In one way, it is almost a symbol of maturity. (maturity is subjective) In another way, it's just hair. F*%# it. Color it!!!
Myspace.com Blogs - Festival Countdown: 23 days and counting! - delfolk MySpace Blog

I love vintage....pinups, tattoos, clothing, cars, furniture, all things vintage. Love to go to auctions when I have the time. and the money. and the room. Ah well. I love the musty smell of old junk shops. Those places are portals into another dimension if you arent afraid to get a little mussy.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Folks. Just regular folks. Creative people, funny people, folks. Old friends from the late 80's. Good to see you again.
Buried at PhotoCasket

My Blog

Lost my cell

if I had your number, could you please send me a private message? This really sucks.
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 22:26:00 GMT

The hell that is this fucking iMac

I can't respond to emails half the time, barely any drop down menus this fucker will do, can't even kudo your blogs or reply to them. Lord knows I haven't been able to change my status in months. Fuc...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 09:12:00 GMT

Odd Squad

Friday the 13th was my first show. I didnt know I was doing the whole thing untill a few hours before. It actually turned out not so bad. I forgot alot of words and missed some cues, but I think ne...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 10:38:00 GMT

Art and music (yeah, and its a LOOOONG one too)

I've been to three practices now with Odd Squad. Things seem to be improving. I am able to pull up alot of shit from down deep to give the songs some edge. As far as catching up to the edge they we...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 17:47:00 GMT

I"m starting to get a complex

So this week and last week I was talking with my friend who still is at KB. She told me they are closing my old store in Rehoboth this week. I went to see the staff on Sunday and the place was barre...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:31:00 GMT

good times, bad times, any movie recomendations?

so peoples, many of you know about KB Toys by now. The whole bankruptcy thing? No? Well on December 11, KB filed for Chapter 11. 86 years in business. Can't say I was totally suprised, but many in...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 16:01:00 GMT

Myspace.com Blogs - The Law of the Garbage Truck - interesting - ~ Kim ~ MySpace Blog

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.... This was a repost from Kim's Blog. Enjoy!
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 09:08:00 GMT

Elections, practical jokes, and socialism

Of course, I will vote, but I must say it will NOT be for Obama OR Mccain. First of all, everyone is susceptible to propaganda. And that is all I see these political speeches and ads as. Each cand...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 21:26:00 GMT

A call to my female friends

This is an email that my own mother sent me. If you can watch the movie "Iron Jawed Angels" please do before it's too late to vote. THIS IS MOVING. HOW QUICKLY WE FORGET.....IF WE EVER KNEW......WHY ...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 19:46:00 GMT


Well, folks, the end of an era is drawing nigh. I have lived in the same townhouse for over 7 years now. Boy is there alot of stuff in there. In order to avoid packing and carrying things I don't n...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:33:00 GMT