comments are like crack;
feed the addiction
making you sweat since 1993.
first of all.
let me be angry, i will get happy.
let me make mistakes, i will learn from them.
let me scream my heart out, im gonna be quiet.
let me sleep all day, im gonna wake up.
let me go out and party all night, im the one who is gonna be tired the next day.
let me be a child, im gonna grow up .
love and trust are what i live by the rest is up to you.
I cant make decisions on my own.
I'll take the bright lights and city smog over fresh air anyday.
I've started this new thing where I don't lie. I learned the hard way that you don't loose as much if you tell the truth. Thats why I tell it to you like it is. I do find things out eventually, so you should not lie to me as well. The funniest is when you know the truth but play along and watch them lie. Thats when you loose respect for people, and thats how I loose respect for a lot of you, because you all continuously lie to me.
I've made mistakes in my life.
i've let people take advantage of me, and i've accepted way less than i deserve. ..But, i've learned from my bad choices and even though there are some things I can never
get back and people who will never be sorry,
I'll know better next time and I won't settle for anything less than i deserve.
Dont ever judge what i've been through.
I know who to trust. and who to ignore.
i don't just randomly 'hate' people, i'm not that shallow. just don't play games and don't waste my time.
judge me, bitch about me, i dont care.
you're doing nothing but proving i am better than you.
you'll all be licking my rich famous ass one day.