Find out which Transformer you are at LiquidGeneration! Your results:
You are Hulk
Hulk 90%
Iron Man 85%
Superman 80%
Robin 80%
Catwoman 75%
Supergirl 68%
The Flash 60%
Spider-Man 55%
Batman 55%
Wonder Woman 48%
Green Lantern 45% You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Dick Cocks What's Your Porn Star Name?
.. You scored as Rock and Roll RockStar. You a Rock and Roll Rock Star! You like to play classic guitars and listen to classic music. You like Van Halen, Led Zepplin and The Who.
Rock and Roll RockStar
Metal Rockstar
Emo Rockstar
Punk Rockstar
Goth Rockstar
What kind of Rockstar are you?
created with QuizFarm.com