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My Interests

My interests are spirituality, meditation and trying to find peace in everyday life. I enjoy spending time with my kids and nieces and nephews.On weekends I like going hiking and biking, I like almost anything that has to do with the outdoors.My other interests would be tatoos and body piercing. Can't wait until I get my next tattoo and piercing.I also like learning about my heritage.
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I'd like to meet:

This question is easy, and I have been looking for him since I was 18. I would like to meet my biological father, or his family. I have so many questions to ask him.


Almost anything.
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Saw, interview with the vampire, queen of the damn.


Don't really watch T.V. It just helps to fall asleep. But if I had to say, it would be CSI, and Law and Order. oh I and I cant forget, CARLOS MENCIA


Stephen King, Dean Kootz, Anne Rice, Kathleen O'neal Gear and Micheal W. Gear


My dad. Miss you daddy!Feb. 14, 1936 - Aug.1,2001