Drag racing (if you haven't already figured that out), RC car racing, computers, and marine aquariums.
Potential sponsors for my race car.
As my wife would put it, I like "Angry Music". My current favorite is System of a Down - Mezmerize. I also like SlipKnot, Rage Against the Machine, Primer55, Limp Bizkit, and Korn among others, not to mention the "old" metal bands like Metallica and Skid Row.
Star Wars - Darth Vader is the best character ever.
I'm not a big television fan. I'm mostly into watching sports. I appreciate the technology behind it probably more than the shows themselves. Though, I must say that I do like reality TV shows, and always did going back to the first season of The Real World. Pinks is one of my current favorites (probably not hard to understand why given the drag racing theme).
I don't read. Reading is for sissies. Seriously, if I read something, it's going to be non-fiction. I just can't see wasting my time reading something that's made up.
My dad and my uncle. Everyone else pales in comparison.