adventures, exploring, trying new things, books, comic books (yeay the runaways), good conversation, interesting people, music, discovery, creativity, Travel (with a capital T), learning DJing, going to shows, camping, hiking, riding horses, kickboxing, reading, sleeping, cooking, baking,
Brendan Frye, Jack Skellington, Haruki Murakami
Power pop makes me smile
Really anything Noir, Brick, LA Confidential, Say Anything, Harold and Maude, Eternal Sunshine, Donnie Darko, Labyrinth, Amelie, Shadow of a Doubt, Rebecca, Secretary, Princess Mononoke
Twin Peaks, Six Feet Under, the Prisoner, Firefly, Gilmore Girls and the Simpsons
EVERYTHING by Haruki Murakami. His Dark Materials trilogy, David Sedaris, Watership Down, Good Omens, Neverwhere, Anna Karenina, the Metamorphosis, the Plague, a Series of Unfortunate Events...
Haruki Murakami, Edward Gorey, Stephin Merritt, Phillip Pullman