Im a UNI student yay and yes im as poor as 1!!
I like partying and hanging out with the girls!
I dont need men and usually life is easy with out them!
Im not bitter I just hmmmmm no thats lying I am bitter and twisted but hey! LIFES PRETTY STRAIGHT IF ITS NOT TWISTED!
I study Geology and Enviromental Biology yeah I know what your thinking NERD
but other than that thats all there is about me Oh except that I hate children
I hate kids I never wanna have em they ruin ur social life, ur figure and ur finances
and I dont think they are worth a speck of cellulite!!!!!I hate
people who stick their noses in other peoples businesspeople who try to take everyone elses side but urspeople who take ur clothes and dont give them backPolitical and Legal Studiesmullets unless their stylishly hot so NEVEEEERRRsleepingudon noodle soup it makes me sick ooo and Jesters is ickythe Biggest Loserdrug addicts sorry guys but u just dont get a good vote from me unless u havnt flushed ur life down the toilet yet ur fine by me
I love
my Boyfriendmy family who crankFAIRIESPretty clothes dressies are my faveouriteexpensive jewellerythe enviromentmy puppys Bailey and Beaumy kitty Tequila (he may not be a kitten but hes soo awesome)chocolate Ice creamPartiesBacardiBeautiful shoesCrazy Schemes with lots of twists and turnshaving fun with my baby boy lolI sound too sappy but its truemy friends well some of them such as Taryn and Brooke and everyone else.....I love u guys too lol when we arent all Pms and going psycho lolShampoos and Conditioners that reduce split ends and FrizzMOOOOOONNNEEEEEYYYYYYFRUIT TINGLES
copy.jpg" border="0" alt="Beki Bondage"
You are Beki Bondage. You are old skool. Your in it
to party and make a political statement at the
same time. You play well with others and enjoy
dominating people.
Which punk rock goddess are you?
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You're a rebel! You're a saint! Missing link on the
brink-- Okay, you get the point. Congrats to
you! You're a liberator, holding onto hearts
like hand grenades! Unfortunately, no one can
remember your name- and you have no face.
What American Idiot character are you? (Yes, there are characters.)
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You're angry & you don't know why, but you'll fuck
us all up if we piss you off! Grr. Or Not.
Which Subculture Are You?
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Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Are You a Ho? Find out @ She's Crafty
Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"
Playful Kiss
The playful kiss is about you having fun and not needing to have feelings for that person. You just go with the flow!
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