Most people see me as serious bordering on earnest, but I love wit, cleverness, and words. I am a child at heart and when I get to know someone can be very silly even bordering on goofy. I'm a vegetarian, but I don't dictate to others what they should or shouldn't eat. I think it's irrational to be patriotic based on a place of birth, but I am anyways. I'm from a very conservative state but I'm somewhat liberal. I usually can see things from many points of view and often play devils advocate with people who can't see the other side of an issue. I'm quietly competitive. I care about my body and appearance, but try to restrain full blown vanity. I enjoy my career. I like helping others. Family and friends are very important to me. I try to be open minded and have strong integrity and I enjoy being around others who do likewise. I love movies and select TV shows, but like to do more active things in the summer. I enjoy books but don't read as much as I would like.
I believe in relentless personal evolution, helping others to help themselves, independence, sustainability, showing love and kindness to all beings, patience, respect, loyalty, truth, honesty, and nurturing the body and soul.