Computers, Video games, Cars, 3D animation, Midevil times, Web Design, Martial Arts, Playing keyboard and Guitar.
80's, 90's, Techno, Celtic, Classical, R&B, Rap, Rock. I Used to DJ with a buddy of mine up north. Master Jammer , I'm also the webmaster and creator of his website just click on his name to check it out. I play Piano, Guitar, and Harmonica.
I Love comedies! 3D animated films. My all time favorite movie is Robin Hood Prince Of Theives.
I like to watch Judge Joe Brown, Cops, Judge Judy, Judge Marylnn, I like Fear Factor, and most of all I love Billy Cosby.
Acually I'm working on writing a book. My favorite book in the world is Knights Ward, if you like midevil stuff, romance and action pick it up, its a great book!
Terry Bollea as I know him. (Most people know him as Hulk Hogan) I met him at Gators restaurant at Johns Pass in Florida! His daughter Brooke is such a hottie!!!!! And he only lives 30 minutes from my house!
The Turtles!