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*i'll hardly be on anymore
HACKED! and what:]
yea, melissa's been hacked by the one and only annika:] hmm, well bitch, i fixed her profile up;] you wanna add meh? click here:] i'll fix your profile up;]
annika's speaking now:] how do you define melissa? hmm, that's a trick question. you can't, there's nothing in the book that will describe her. yea, people see her as a bitch. but fckk those who dont know her. she makes mistakes, so what. who doesnt? i've known her since the second grade. so if someone knows her, it's me. you can trust my word for it when i say she's one of the most wonderful people you will ever meet in your life. she has her bad days, and? everyone does. just don't judge. because you'll be surprised by what she's capable of. i fcking love her, and if you dare hurt her, i'll break your neck. that's all i gotta say, cuz no matter how long of a paragraph i write, you'll never know who she really is without actually having a conversation with her.
i miss those days when there were no worries. and i had her to make me smile