My Blog
Amy Goodman Arrested at RNC
Only the first day and they are vioating rights in good ole republican fashion!!
Oh, 9-11, 9-11...war on terror...i hate the gays...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 06:21:00 GMT
the message
So, Jason and I talk a lot about religion and how messed up the message of jesus has become thanks to the christian right and their campaign of hate. Making it thier business to decide whether or not ...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 08:35:00 GMT
to all the mommies, mamas, mothers, nanas shimas....
If you opened this, chances are, you are one of the listed above and one of my
Some of you taught me, learned with me, parented me, became a parent with me, gave me advice or ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 20:10:00 GMT
Finding the good
Today I am trying not to break down thinking of the victims, families and survivors of the VT masacre. I am also tryin not to bring up arguments, firing up the left and right regarding gun laws and th...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 22:33:00 GMT
9/11 I will never forget
So, here we are. 5 years later and I find myself in tears randomly throughout the day.
And I just wanted to say that I will never forget the way that I felt that day and for months after. I wan...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 17:59:00 GMT
My mom is in pain
My dad is giving up
My husband is watching jackass
My best friend is too smart to be apathetic
My sister is lying to herself
My neighbor realizes that death is cheaper
My president i...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 20:48:00 GMT
Fair and balanced? Only if you are white...
Quadrevion Henning and Purvis Parker. Ever hear of them? Probably not. But I am willing to bet that you have heard of Natalie Halloway, right? These two young boys from Millwaukee Wisconsin went missi...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 06:04:00 GMT
By my dad..."Why I am now a conservative republican"
This is a "blog", (though he probably would not refer to it as such) written by my dad, the ever popular "Romero". This is just the tip of the ice berg, people...very funny stuff. I lov...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 19:38:00 GMT
Please don't tell me to pray...
Please don't tell me to pray. I do pray. I am not even sure who I am praying too, and I pray. I pray that this war ends soon...and that ALL the soldiers come home safely in spite of the complete lack ...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 11:39:00 GMT