My music comes from Improvisation, Inter-relatedness, and Inspiration
(of Nature).
With Anthony Braxton: "Composition 102" (Braxton House BH-003) and "Four Compositions (GTM) 2000" (Delmark DG-544).
Solo: "Alchemusic Vol. 1" (Newsonic)
"Solo 2001" (unreleased)
Ensemble: "Alchemusic Vol. 2" (2003), "Trios: 76" (2003-04), "Trio: 733" (2005), and "Quartet: The Stone" (2007) (unreleased)
I discovered Lao Tzu's poetry in 1993, a seed that germinated into a flower when I began reading the I Ching, five years later.
In the summer of 2000, a series of dreams and synchronistic experiences led me to study the Mayan calendar. I had already begun the study of astrology in the Western tradition, starting with Dane Rudhyar and going through the works of Stephen Arroyo and Donna Cunningham. I read Ptolemy, Alan Oken, Robert Blaschke, Alan Leo, Charles Carter, and basically whatever 20th century material I could find for a while, until discovering ARHAT and the recent translations of Medieval and Hellenistic Astrology.
At this point I began to practice natal astrology with Whole Sign Houses and planetary cycles (the synodic return cycles and the 8 classical aspects) that for me, is deeply integrated with principles of elemental forces as described in the I Ching and the philosophy of Tao.
In 2003 I studied Shamanic Astrology with Daniel Giamario, whose work is a synthesis of archaic, modern and experiential approaches to the process of astrology.
I currently provide astrology consultations and classes in New York or by telephone.
the alchemusic website and the astrology website are still under construction. I will update this site as time moves forward. thank you for listening...