Command Sergeant Major Gary J. Coker
United States Army - RetiredÂ
1974-2007 - Call Sign VANGUARD 7 - Nickname "Smaj"
Former Command Sergeant Major, 4th Brigade (Vanguard)Â
3rd Infantry Division
"Rock of the Marne"
Dragon Slayer - Defender
of the Faith - Warrior
for Liberty Â
I have served under 7 Commanders in Chief, missed more Holidays
 and Birthdays than I
can count. Survived Temps from 140*F to -60*F.
I have been to more countries than I can recall, some no longer exist.
I have stopped lots of Bad
Guys who deserved it and I have
 helped lots of Good
Guys when no other country would.
I have jumped out of perfectly good Airplanes, and Scuba Dived
 past 150 feet in the
Pacific. Blown many things up, and built many things up.
I have made LOTS
of friends, and I have made EVEN MORE
of enemies.
I have worn really cool looking clothes with lots of shiny medals and patches.Â
I miss wearing them and I am
proud of those shiny things.
I have been Wounded several
times in my Career ,Â
and each time it was worth
I have seen the worst
War brings out in people just asÂ
I have seen the Best
and more often.
Disabled I continue my fight from a wheelchair for my
Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen.I work with Organizations like "Gathering
of Eagles" - "Veterans
for Freedom" Â "Patriot
Guard Riders" Â and the "Wounded Warrior
Project" to name just a few.To all my Viet Nam Brothers who raised me to be a man "Welcome Home Guys"
So what does this all mean ? I'll let you decide,Â
I will be a Soldier till the day that I die.
I don't define myself by shiny medals.Â
I earned them, but I would rather my
Family , Actions and Heart be my legacyÂ