Food...yummy!! You can't forget about shopping either, besides what girl doesnt like shopping?? If she says she doesnt...she must be an OLGER:o) SONNYMAC makeup!!!The always lovely Bettie Page
I would like to see a LiGeR its only my fav. animal!!
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I listen to pretty much everything and anything.....but my fav. band is The Vandals!! The fuckin Vandals!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gwen Stefani
OMG!! My fav. movie of all times is DuMb AnD dUmBeR........thats some funny shit! Ooooooh yeah!!! Half Baked, Friday and Mary Poppins...that bitch ROCKS!
Ummmm........ Shhh dont tell no one, but I'm a big fan of Richard Simmons. Maybe one day I'll get off my ass and join that spunky guy!!! haha NOT!!! Ummmm I also like the Real World and COPS. Thank god thats a surreal life show! Imagine if the world was actually like that?! WOW Jessica Alba
My dog Sonny...for being so damn CUTE!! No really my ♥MOM♥ She is the strongest person I know and I love her for that! She has taught me so much...things I can only learn from hero in the middle