Key of V Eating Disorders E.P.
-Approximately 5 per cent of women and 1 percent of men have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating disorder.
-Each day Americans spend an average of $109 million on dieting and diet related products.
-In a study of children aged 8-10, approximately 50 per cent of girls said they were unhappy with their size. (, 2009)
-The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old. (South Carolina Department of Mental Health, 2006)
The United States has by far the highest rate of deaths caused by Eating Disorders with 218 deaths in 2004. Japan has the next highest with 186. Germany only had 40, and mortality rates due to eating disorders dwindle to 1 or 2 in the UK, Finland, Iceland, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Peru, and other countries (, 2004). It is obvious that our society has a few factors that contribute to this disease. Advertising and the media communicates to Americans that they are insufficient, and our bodies are one thing that we are encouraged to change day after day when we see ads, movies, and television shows that only depict thin, fit, (and mostly white) people as successful or desirable.
In particular women, and even more specifically young women, are plagued by mannequins in clothing stores with 20 inch waists, confusing magazines that advertise brownies and weight loss programs on the same page, movies, music videos, fashion ads and T.V shows that portray small and frail women as not only sexy and desirable, but normal. Bigger girls are virtually absent in the fantasy world of Hollywood unless their weight characterizes their role, and even body weights that are medically ideal are absent and replaced by frail, trimmed frames.
These models and actresses are dedicated to upholding this image. But in the capitalistic rat-race of jobs, school, and other obligations, the unrealistic, perfectionist, self-obsessed messages sent by the fantasy world can manifest as anorexia, bulemia, over-eating, and just plain neurotic eating patterns. Many women, and again, especially young women, are embarrassed to even eat (and especially around males). These insecurities are the selling point for most of our magazines and T.V. shows and products that promise to "fix" you.
Participation is the strongest form of approval. So if you do not approve of a system that capitalizes on low-self esteem and the pursuit of perfection, DO NOT SUPPORT COMPANIES that do. Make comments about the absurdity of the models in fashion magazines; demand healthy models in the clothing stores you work in (or better, don't work for these companies at all :), and remind people that there is more to a person and more to life than looking good and having a body that fits Hollywood's delusional standards. Encourage the women around you--your friends, sisters, girlfriends, daughters, coworkers, etc.--to be comfortable and confident in their own skin. Spread awareness to make others mindful of the ways in which magazine, movie, beauty, internet and food companies work to encourage Eating Disorders. Make compassionate choices; buy clothing and other products from companies that don't diminish self-esteem or contribute to Eating Disorders and perfectionism. MOST OF ALL, LOVE YOURSELF, and don't sacrifice your natural beauty and inspiring confidence to aid in a marketing ploy.
The tracks on Key of V's E.D. do not reflect this truth. However, we aim to diminish some of the sickness created by capitalism and greed by raising awareness about Eating Disorders. Please remember, one does not have to be 85 pounds and dying to suffer from an Eating Disorder. Eating Disorders distort the way you think about food and your body and can cause unseen damage to one's body and soul. Key of V hopes anyone suffering will seek help to find mentally healthy and physically healthy channels for this affliction, because we sincerely think beauty has more meaningful forms than a human body can express alone.
Eat healthy food to nourish your beautiful body.
Awesome fan video for Key of V's Gingher (We are thinking of switching back to fencing and await your continued enthusiasm.)
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