Still Play Guitar... Michigan Football, and all sports from the great state of Michigan!
Lady Luck
Mostly stick to Maynard bands (Tool, Perfect Circle, Green Jelly) but Korn, Counting Crows, Deftones, BBoys, Dylan, Soul Coughing, CandleBox, DMB, In Flames!, Hendrix, Live, Zeppelin, Pearl Jam and everything Seattle!!!!!!!!! Rock'n Old School!!
Ya know, I can't really narrow the list of favorite movies to less than a billion, so I'm gonna have to agree w/ my boy Nick and say Steele Magnolias and Fried Green Tomatoes are some of the best cinematic masterpieces ever made... What's wrong with a little bit of man tears every now and then?
I'm going to have to say Michigan Football!!!! but only when they win, because if they lose... I end up losing another... well whatever's in throwing distance
hmmm I never learned how to read....
Chesty Puller for all you Jarheads, Hendrix for you guitar fiends, and Joel for anyone who knows me(because he knows how to read).