Fizzie profile picture



About Me

I'm a hopeless romantical. I am totally devoted to Tekka, however, we agree to date around, spice up the relationship. My mother's name is Snow Pea, and my father is Edmond. I have 4 brothers. I enjoy long walks with my owners, pooping, peeing, you name it! I especailly love to lift my leg on parked car tires. And i am deathly afraid of garbage that flies, such as bags and newspapers. I had a near death experience when i was 2 months old, i was held and cuddled too much, which explains why i am so feminine. My favorite is licking toes after a long hard day of work. YumO.I LOVE FEET! ♥.
Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name?? Fiz-gig
What's your mommy/owners name? Corrie and Derec
What breed are you? Chihuahua
What's your facorite toy? sqeaky doggy
Tap water ot bottled water? NYC has the best water
Do you always walk or are you always carried? i always walk
How many pounds will you weigh full grown? 5 lbs unless i get lazy
Do you wear clothes? sometimes but, i hate them dogs don't wear clothes
Long or short hair? long lusurious golden locks
Indoor or outdoor? indoor
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed? i sleep under the covers
What's your fave color? i'm color blind
Do you chase cats or get along with them? I love cats but, hate other dogs
How old are you? (in people years) almmost 22 years
Do you like to go swimming? i hate the water
Are you fixed? indeed, they stole my man parts
What color are your eyes? brown, black
What color is your hair? golden with a white manly chest
Do you get groomed? my mommy grooms me she's good at it
Are you potty trained? I am totally potty trained
How much do you bark? barley
Have you ever bit anyone? no
Do you believe in interbreedal mating? sure
Do you like the bath or hate it? hate it
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack? i attack
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you? of course they sneak me into resturaunts
Do you do any doggie sports?? i lift weights
How cute are you from 1 to 10? 10
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My Interests

♥ TEKKA ♥, feet, eating tissues and garbage, sqeeky toys, greenies and licking tekka's eyes.

I'd like to meet:

Long haired chihuahua's, short haired, apple heads or anyone that smells apealing.


Secrets of the Bend, Hollis Browne


All Dogs Go to Heaven, Lady and the Tramp, Brokeback Mountain.


Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Queer as Folk, The L Word.


Preferably small dog picture books.


My human Mom and Dad and Tekka 33