I am EMMA. I live for the nights i forget and the people i remember. I want to look like Kat von d. I NEED LEATHER BOUND POUNDS TO GO WITH MY LEATHER BOUND WALLET. NEXT. DING! Im a veggie and if you dont like it you can fuck off. Im not arrogant enough to say im cooler or better than you and i cant wait for summer. I really have to start going to uni. Ive run out of rizla have you got any? nice! I love filthy boys, eastern cinema, the smell of washing powder, being messy on 2 quid cider, warmth, electro and music that makes you feel like you have been smashed in the face, jumping in puddles soaking wet, and snakebite. I dont like lies, feeling perpetually cold, feeling lonely, revision, revulsion, having no money and the smell of fish or mushrooms. I particularly hate two-faced people.
©successfully finding a good chicken alternative ©getting covered in tattoos ©Enjoy being single ©do well at uni ©getting past christmas ©getting fucked up at new year better than last year
Im generally pretty darn peculiar. Im mis wired in the brain area, i laugh at bad jokes and bad news! I run like a four year old and dance like the preverbial dad. I do like peas and cheese :P