Dr Cox profile picture

Dr Cox

About Me

Let me introduce you to, A Man Who Doesn't Care!

Well, gosh - I guess I became a doctor because ever since I was a little boy, I just wanted to help people. I don't tell this story often, but I remember when I was seven years old, one time I found a bird that had fallen out of its nest, and so I picked him up and I brought him home, and I made him a house out of an empty shoebox. I BECAME A DOCTOR FOR THE SAME FOUR REASONS THAT EVERYBODY DOES - CHICKS, MONEY, POWER and CHICKS!

All I wanna do is kick up with a scotch and watch a game before I have to return to that hell hole again to start my wonderul cycle again!

Lemmie tell you, your born alone and you damn sure die alone, remember that!

I am the greatest doctor, ever!!

My Blog

So, whats your favourite?

Tell me.... what are your favourite episodes of Scrubs then? Personally, I enjoy all the episodes that I am in most of the scenes, but thats just a little self indulgent, isn't it? Oh, and who is your...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:50:00 GMT


OK, so it may be the biggest burning question EVER, but...... which hairstyle is better? Curls....Or, NO curls....?Answers on a postcard, please!
Posted by on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 16:12:00 GMT