Doodles My name is Fiorella its italian and means beautiful flower fior = flower + ella= beautiful :) friends call me FiO for short.. or FiFi (ashley only calls me that lol) ( even though it sounds like a cats name to me ... ) & also known as DOODLES When it comes to art my alter ego is doodling im constantly zoned out As a child art was my playground. Any form of creation I would attain and use my imagination to its fullest. My life is the best master piece I have created and own. I believe My Controversial Life Is my Masterpiece! MY Work of art! Anything can be an inspiration to me. Time and experience alter my interests and work of art. I have to admit my childness is my driving force of creation. Growing up selling any form of my art work was forbidden, I would always preach on how I would trade but never over value my art with "gold" The value was the time put into the piece. So it became obvious that I needed an alternate career goal and source of income. I tried exploring different fields of interests such as nursing; but after experiencing working as a nurse asst. i realized that humans when in pain react in a really mean and negative form and it sometimes becomes a stressful and hurtful environment that i did not want to commit to. So i decided to explore and found myself wanting to work with animals. I still enjoyed the fundamentals of medicine and the gratification of saving a life. I started working in the veterinary field since i was 16. I started out as a receptionist and enjoyed the fundamentals of working with animals. Just the pleasure of knowing i helped a defenseless animal out was satisfying enough. Then i started working in the Emergency room and i soon realized that pets have owners. And when pets are sick owners get scared and panic. Owners tend to overreact or act irrational when their animals are sick. They feel so emotional about seeing their companion be in pain that they react instinctively and get angry. I've had clipboards launched my way, refusal to pay for the cost of veterinary care and see people get VERY violent(im not a violent person & defer from resorting to violence , I'm VERY Passive–aggressive & I don't believe in guns) Humans have then recognized me as inhumane, unethical to charge for emeregncy care, blame you for the fate of their pet.They will then tend to disregard the reason why i was there to begin with and its to provide special care for their animals (special care I have compensated by getting knowledge in school and training) I also observed alot of human traits being really careless about 4 legged creatures & met people who despite them for no apparent reason. I've studied ALOT of psychology, for becoming a vet tech at miami-dade and i was really fed up with how negative the human race can get when things dont go their way or if hurt.(thats how wars get started) So i figured why not stick to my best talent & hobby(drawing) my art.I can escape the human world while achieving my goal and surviving on earth (paying my bills.)For a while I focused on communicating finding different insights on careers and found that art became more predominant in my life.I had never enrolled in any art classes before & I’ve only practiced independently different methods & techniques of art such as; building a website for a company i use to work for (mipo ink cartridges) and designing a new logo and brochure for a vet i once worked for, I've cultured the basics in piano and drums when i was younger, & acquired drama class all through middle school, Always enjoyed Drawing ( my favorite hobby ) [ Im CONSTANTLY DOODLEING ],stenciling, cross sketch, spray paint, acrylic paint, oil paint, oil pastels, pastel sticks, color pencil, water paint, crafts, ink, etc.., and I am still developing new techniques of art which draw up my uniqueness. Im not religious I dont believe in a GOD or a DEVIL !! I believe that "heaven is what you make of it and hell is what your going through!" Wu-Tang- " Man is a universe within himself. " BOB MARLEY- I have obtained stimulation and confidence to connect artistically and reevaluating who I am and where I’m going. Regrouping myself and spending more time interacting with the deeper aspects of art have given me confidence and trust that my needs are being met in life. My strong sense of will can get me through anything and my confidence will enable me to take any new opportunities that come my way. I anticipate to develop a deeper appreciation and to gain new skills to express my art work. I am very passionate about art and individual expression. Im a very visual and observant person, i always have been ( i was the quiet kid in the back of the class when i was younger constantly drawing). Im currently studying towards my bachelor's degree in visual Effects and Motion Graphics. I'd figure if im going exploit my art i might as well pertain my major on something i really like. I hope to use my skills to create music videos, special effects, , movies, cartoons anything pretty much that can be broadcast and seen on a screen visually .I want to specialize in creature design in VFX...I want to share what I have to offer existence and introduce my views and a piece of my mind to the world. I Hope to some day be able to meet and work along with Tim Burton ( he influences alot of my art ) I figure always do what makes me happy and never give up. If i Do what i most enjoy as a career i never have to work another day in my life again!Fio Alvarez- “Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold...Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!â€"& ThOse Who JudGe Are JuSt lookIng For An ExCuse"-Fio Alvarez-
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user