Soccer,Martial Arts, Films, Music
Jackie Chan, Kevin Smith, The Coen brothers, Martin Scorsese, Peter Jackson.
Anything pretty much. Impossible for most to listen to music with me because I will change from like heavy metal, to trance, to blue grass, to the Lord of the rings soundtrack.
Lord of the Rings, ALL Kevin smith movies, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Chronicles of Narnia, Snatch, Big Fish, Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Donnie Darko, Fight Club. My god why dont i stop there so you dont have to read a book. But I love film and like/hate alot of movies.^^
Simpsons, Family Guy, Burney Mac (sp? :/) show. Dont watch too much TV but those are the highlights id say.
Lord Of The Rings, Inheritance series (so far. Eragon and Eldest are good)
Jackie Chan