a girl...
Glitter Graphics
nOiSy...If iM GetTiN bOrEd
lOvEs My fRiEn's
aIn't ReaLy cLoSe To mY pArEnT's;D
bUt iM VeRy MuCh ThaNkfUl tO tHeM FoR iM hERe In thIs WorLd,AigHt?
@ least if you kow how to understand tagalog..its an advantage that youlll understandthe next things im going to tell you bout me
pipol sometimes look @ me as a bad person is that true?..i dont know you can tell it tome...
hmmm...supLada ko tinGnan pero hiNdi totoo yun! m00dy aKo and maKuLit nGagrAbe!i do dance and join some contest toGether with my grouPmaTes...May tiMe na maSuNgiT aKo peRo pAg kaSama ko mGa frieNds ko mAdaLangaKoNg gaNon!aYoKo ng naru-rusH...akOmaiNipiN din aKo,aYoko ng nagAanTay ng maTagaL..gusTo ko upDaTed ako sa FashioN LaLo na sa mGa damiT at kakikayaN peRo di konaMan mAsuot,nahihiya ako! (hehe)maHaba naMan paseNsiya ko kaYa lang ay0ko taLaga sa mga baStos,kaya pls.?LubayaN niYo ko! buti saNa kung gwApo kaYo eh (hahaha,JOKE lang ha!) seRYoso koay0ko taLaga sa baStos at mga baBaero,feeLing niYo naMan asTigin na kayo non? well,akaLaniyo lang yUn...makAkaHanaP din kayo ng kaTApat niyo noh!im ofTen times misuNdersTooD COz IM sArCAStiC...i haTe beiNg taKen for graNted...gusTo ko ako ang uNanG pRioriTy ( selfisH NAKUng SelfiSh! )mInsAn lAng nAman Eh!..
 hey.. its kristinn again. sorry ive been too busy for too long then.. havent chekd here more @ myspace.. but hope to hear from you soon if things go on so well here.. just graduated last year.. and after a few days i was busy looking for work..<3 mwahh!