Este é o último projeto da Bhang e o mais independente. Em "I would never leave you alone with those songs" existe a sensação de linearidade, causada pela coerência entre composição e arranjo. O uso de violão nas quatro faixas apresenta a maneira como a banda lida com o padrão instituÃdo neste álbum.
O processo de criação foi simples, ligeiro e espontâneo, procurando trazer canções "pop" para uma atmosfera menos amarrada e mais inventiva. Divirta-se.
This is the last project of Bhang and the most independent.
In "I would never leave you alone with those songs" there's a sense of linearity, caused by the consistency between composition and arrangement. The use of guitar on four tracks shows how the band deals with the pattern established in this album.
The process of creation was simple, fast and spontaneous, trying to bring "pop" songs to a less tied and more inventive atmosphere. Have fun.
Recorded at Fibra Records by Cainã Bomilcar, Gabriel "El Biga" e MaurÃcio Balian
Mixed at Fibra Records by Cainã Bomilcar
We would like to thank LÃnox and Alexandre Castilho from Fibra Records
"Long sleeve conviction" by André Jungstedt and Cainã Bomilcar
"Faraway Blue" by Cainã Bomilcar and Joaquim Pedro (who also recorded the eletric guitar)
"Breakfast" by André Jungstedt and Cainã Bomilcar
"Criminals" by André Jungstedt, Cainã Bomilcar and Luiz Farme d'Amoedo
contact: [email protected]