Jealous only when needed
Seldom mad but quick to anger when provoked
Safe and sound in vehicles
Employed, going nowhere
But enjoys the moments to imagine
Partake in addictions only half of the time
Feet still on ground
Questioning everything
Keeping with the trends without seeming too eager
Trying to live the best one can
Sometimes failing to do so
Ok with it
Maintaining contact with old friends
Making new ones
Filling self with impractical knowledge
Proud of it
Realistic but still daydreams
Head in the clouds
Honest when it counts
Lies when it doesnt
Walks in other peoples shoes
Listens often
Talks occasionally
Living with a happy family
Supporting corporate logos and not giving a damn
Hiding devotion
Trusting in everyone
Second guessing, re-evaluating, re-considering
No regrets
Hopeless and happy