MY RISING: It wasn’t an accident, coincidence of the nature. I came to the world, because God wanted create to me. Job 12.10 “The Lord will discharge in my his intentionâ€. God drawed my body and disposed talents and singular personality, taking care before that I was grow. And the motive of create me was your love.
Efesios1:4 “Many before of the foundation from worldâ€, HE was thinking about us, and HE had biased for that we were the approach of his love. The love agape, is the love that devour to who the experience, HE delivered to his own son. The love of JESUS, our brother was so big that he transformed the stars and changed the direction of the history from man.
The 11 of April, 1983 to time 2.30 of the morning, my mother gave light to an girl, that she putted by name Elizabeth, the second name of my mother, but her difference was letter S. The meaning of my name is consecrated to God, God is my curse. In the history this declared to shape very important of New Testament, she was the mother of Juan Bautista and Maria’s cousin.
The seeing her motherly grandma “Carolinaâ€, She said: “Judith, is as see you again littleâ€, the girl was growing, and she affirming that “Yes, I am the lively picture of my mom, I am her cloneâ€.
The form in that a son lives the love, which determines big part of success or downfall.
The love coupled to my family: My parents “Judith and Rubénâ€, and my brothers “Julissa and Marcoâ€. The love is a loop of harmony that makes need us reciprocally for live, that makes us run to hug with strength after a day of work, worry us one of other although is one far, an invaluable bond. It was our basis for establish an united family, with values, commitment, integrity, respect and communication.
INFANCY: Stage basis of form our personality that is profile and draw in our adolescence. Anais Nin “We don’t see the things as it are, we see of agreement with our mood of be.
My first given steps was thanks to my grandfather paternal, always I walked of his hand giving more confidence, always we played the airplane, the reaching the sun with my hands and hugging us.
She was growing and wining new experience of being queen of the spring when she studied the first grade of primary, to scale the cerros “mountain†and run top underneath. She remembers the lagoon of Huacachina called the oasis of America. With her brothers Marco, they didn’t take very well at first but all it was fitting, she considering with a source more of inspiration for ensue with her intention. She said to him: Marco, you are with a hero for me smiling.
She was a little lonely, looking is alone for find news answer and sees the different world, and she believed that the silence could speak him. She was a little rebellious, a day she saw an old picture of a girl resemble her, but she was her dear mom.
The girl, she liked dance with her daddy, after that he came to work. The two, they were very dancers maybe the he impelled always to dance and express with steps that she takes inside his being.
My parents, they taught me the reality and true of the life, as that women and men, we aren’t eternal.
ADOSLESCENCE: She cultivated the poetry with a legacy, his life was changing when becoming woman and she stops of being a girl, though for the eyes of his parents, Elizabeth always will be the dear girl, she was very dreamer. His education shared of a religious school “Dominica’s of Rosaryâ€. It was the door for know to real truthful friendships, that always would respect his decisions and they was understood his silent when something occurred to him. She taught catechesis, wherein to the girls she considered as his daughters.
My sister Julissa was my godmother of confirmation, my friends complimented me. A friend outstretched his arm in my shoulder and she said: Eliza, now you are a soldier of God. To the 17 years old, she traveled to capital Lima, leaving share of his live in his little town, doing new friends. She delayed 2 years for join. My parents gave me the notice of my join to the university, being an important for me.
YOUTHFULNESS: Filled of new illusions and dreams, she began his life university, I learned to differentiate the meanings between: partner, acquaintance, friend and better friend called brother of soul. The Truthful friendship is that came to side including when you haven’t anything that offer oneself, your partnership saved.
Dalia Lama “The friendship only would take place to crossways from development of respect reciprocal and inside of a spirit of sincerity.
I found unconditional persons, disposed to listen always and stay to my side, when the words exceed and the silent speaks.
PRESENT TIME: Elizabeth culminated his boarding – Hospital and Public, the past February 16, 2007. For me is great experience that enriched my life, from June 6, 2006 a group decided to go away to the Capital for acquire experience in one of the best hospitals, very few imagining that was staying for us. Is certain Paulo Coelho “A search start always with the luck of apprentice and finish with the test of conquerâ€
Our First month was of adaptation and new dares, exigency total for part of our learders; his objective was become refined in quality nurses.
It was a big odyssey, many tests, news circumstances and cases those appearances. Only the life with intention, compromise, fidelity, integrity, values and love, we were supported in this humorous fight for obtain our goal. My last rotation, i was delegate, it was a big responsibility but always I was counted with my group of team.
I had the big opportunity to know more: my brothers, friendships and partner, with defects and virtues to flower of skin. I knew a person, wonderful woman whom she spoke to me, with the heart in the hand; she was as I have a second mom for me.
SPEAK OF ELIZABETH: Es una persona que vino otra vez a la tierra bajo un propósito y sobre todo con una misión que debe de cumplir para seguir evolucionando, a través del cambio y el amor, con mayor aprendizaje, integridad, responsabilidad, convicción y compromiso.
Yo seré lo que mis mas profundos sentimientos, empujados por nuevos pensamientos llenos de mayor armonÃa…. Quiera ser, trascender, evolucionar y crecer espiritualmente. Yo sigo siendo emotiva, idealista, pero mas optimista .. Ella quiere ser neutral, todo tiende estar en el justo medio. La vida son momentos indescriptibles, momentos maravillosos que debemos de disfrutar.¿Qué no te gusta eliza? TodavÃa sigue existiendo la hipocresÃa, la conveniencia, la mentira, la indiferencia, falta de sensibilidad y la injusticia, todo ocurre porque todavÃa no somos concientes de nuestros propios actos, por consiguiente si vemos que ocurren en una falta, debemos de ser mas comprensivos.. Tenemos que seguir despertando nuestra conciencia.
Para finalizar con la letra de Chambao “Dibujo en el Aireâ€: Ya no quiero vivir con los temores/ prefiero entregarme a la ilusión.. Y si un dÃa me siento transformado y decido orientar la dirección / Tomare un nuevo rumbo sin prejuicios / porque en el cambio esta la evolución. Conocer este grande de los grandes fue otro gran motivo para seguir ..Su música y letra es para mà una gran revolución.href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vdmlkcy
R1YWwmdmlkZW9pZD0xNDczMzUzNzky">Pokito a Poko