new joints new page comming soon... profile picture

new joints new page comming soon...

29ers 4 life

About Me

What up myspace! im back!!! New tracks!!mixtape "PUBLIC ENEMY" Is goin well. change of name cause i choose to do so Real life real talk was talked about and never finished. so time for a new era and since i am bein hated on and disliked so much in my life i choose this. so basically this mixtape will be like a BIO to ya'll on how my life is in the public eye. There will be more clips up and new tracks of the mixtape up soon so look out for the mix tape Early April,Big things coming so KEEP SHOWING ME LOVE!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests


Member Since: 4/18/2006
Influences: jesus my pops and my mother
Sounds Like: sounds like Young wonda
Type of Label: None