...wel, m sUm1 who u cAn rEally lEan on.. u cAn tEl mE uR prOblems nD u cAn alSo sHarE me ur ccRets.. bUt dAt depEnds on you.. weL, u Can tRust mE anytym.. sUm peOple tElls mE na m qUitE supladA dAw.. mAybe it'z bcOz m owEiz nkA "cmAngOt" dAw.. heheü wel, i loVe wAtchin mOvies wit mah fRends.. nd wE luv sTaying in 1 pLace.. m not in2 nytlyf.. id rAther prEfer sTaying hoMe nd sLyp.. heheü im into wAtching a lOt of sCary movies wit maH fRiends.. i lOve shOuting wit dem sPecially wEn wE'ren sCarEd.. dAts wAt gUrls dO wen wAtching sCary sTuffs.. heheü wel, i lOve lisTening tO the rAdio wyl im hAvin mAh free tyM bUt m not rIly in2 wAtchin tv nd rEadin bOoks cOz it bOres me a LoT! heheü wEl, jUz gEt to know mE bEtter nxt tym.... ..