♥I'm Caitlin.
I live to learn. I learn to live. I'm a die-hard Eagles fan. Born & raised. I don't like a lot of people at first, but they usually grow on me. Most people like me at first, and then I bother them. I touch people's hands and arms when I talk to them. I work at Toys R Us and it makes me want to never have children because I see what awful parents come in there. I work at a restaurant and I love the people there. I have the cutest waitstaff around and my manager tells dirty jokes. I've been in love, it doesn't suck. I'm addicted to Twilight & Robert Pattinson. It's sort of unhealthy. I finally stopped mourning the loss of my friends who stopped caring about me, and started celebrating the ones that do.
I'm leaving the east coast in favor of someone who never gave up on me. [Cal U of PA, come spring semester]. I work two jobs and go to school. In other words, my only free time is when I'm sleeping.