Dancing with my boys "The Funky 4" (Courtesy FOX 5 TV)during a third quarter TV time-out - December 18, 2005 - Redskins 35, Cowboys 7The same routine from different angles, courtesy of the NFL's GREATEST FANS! (Also, Courtesy of youtube.com)Using a Cowboy flag as my own personal dance floor (along with the Funky 4) on November 5, 2006 - Redskins 22, Cowboys 19SuperSkin, Defender of All That is Burgundy and Gold, and proud member of the NFL's Largest, Loudest and Proudest fan base. My mission is simple - to keep all 92,000 Skins fans at FedEx Field pumped up, loud, crazy, and ROWDY on gameday. I have dedicated myself to helping our fans return this franchise - and our "12th Man" - to GLORY. Ask not what the Redskins can do for you, but what YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR REDSKINS. Remember: We are 92,000 fans with one LOUD, collective voice on Sunday afternoons, and we actually have the ability to affect the outcome of our team's games. I am still amazed at how this team became galvanized, and this fan base unified, after the tragic death of Sean Taylor. The tribute to him before the Bills game was easily my most memorable moment ever at Fed Ex Field. 92,000 "family" members - crying together and mourning the loss of our friend. Our 4-game rally to make the playoffs in 2007, in my opinion, stands as one of the single greatest team feats in NFL history. And we were all a part of it. Now, we move on in Sean's memory, under a promising new Head Coach, an MVP caliber Running Back, and a maturing, heady Quarterback. If you attend a game - for the love of Jack Kent Cooke, don't sit still. Don't be quiet. MAKE SOME DAMN NOISE! Do it when our defense is on the field, especially on third downs, and watch the difference that it can make! If you happen to see me at the stadium, come up and say hello. We're all family in the crazy confines of FedEx Field, baby. Keep reppin' the BURGUNDY and GOLD, R.I.P SEAN, and HAIL TO THE REDSKINS! Love,Burgundy, and Gold Forever........"Supe"
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