alexandra profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

much of this is true: i hail from hades; persephone is my second cousin once removed. i love my friends, especially the ones who remind me to get dressed before i go out. i have walked the earth for centuries, but everyone says i look 39 -- 41 tops. i know how to be a raving bitch, but it takes too much out of me. i love seinfeld reruns and things that go "moo." i'm big on brutal honesty, especially when it comes to nose hair. i like splenda in everything, the smell of flower shops, holding hands and inside jokes. i'm sober and there's nothing you can do about it. i want to travel to exotic lands, like iceland and luxembourg. i don't like being kept waiting more than 30 seconds unless someone's death is involved, preferably not mine. i am a social hermit. david letterman is my late-night comedy hero. i don't take things as personally as everyone thinks. i am a fantastic kisser (references available upon request). if i were a superhero, i'd dress my dog in a matching outfit. sex is always an option, but I watch cable porn for the intellectual stimulation. i most hate living alone when I run out of toilet paper while already seated. cheetos is (are?) the perfect depressed-white-trash food; if you see me with orange lips and fingertips, you can be certain i've been exorcising demons. i don't live at the beach because sand fleas give me the willies. i will love you madly when we're together and completely forget about you when we're apart. my favorite words are "lobster" and "kumquat."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the insanely intelligent, the ridiculously creative, the relentlessly kind-hearted, witty, lustful, trustworthy, silly, talented, sexy, inventive, subversive, adventurous, resourceful...who can converse for hours about all things superficial and profound, who knows how to play nice, who gets the joke...including the one about the penguin whose car breaks down on a hot summer day, so he takes it to a repair shop and waddles down the street to get some vanilla ice cream while he's waiting, but his flippers can't hold the cone very well, and by the time he gets back to the repair shop, his face and chest are dripping in vanilla ice cream, and the mechanic says, "looks like you blew a seal," and the penguin says, "no, i was just eating vanilla ice cream." heh.

My Blog

my blog is elsewhere...

...see it at   
Posted by on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 18:17:00 GMT